Matthew 马太福音 11:2-6 — Overcoming Doubt 克服疑惑

Matthew not only showed us Jesus’s authoritative words and works (5-9). He also showed us His disciples’ authoritative words and works (10:1–42). In the following chapters 11–12 Matthew focuses on various responses Jesus received from His audience. Here Matthew starts with the doubt of John the Baptist.



  1. John Doubts Jesus 约翰质疑耶稣 (11:2-3)

Humanly speaking the career of John the Baptist had ended in disaster. When a believer has faithfully and sacrificially served the Lord for many years and then experiences tragedy, perhaps even a series of tragedies, it is difficult not to wonder about God’s love and justice. John knew exactly where to go to find the answers to his questions: Jesus.



  1. Jesus Reassures John 耶稣安抚约翰 (11:4-6)

Jesus did not offer a simple yes or no answer; rather, He told John’s disciples to present their teacher the evidence displayed right before their eyes (cf. Luke 7:21). Verse 5 is a fulfilment of Isaiah’s prophesy (Isa. 35:5; 61:1). Jesus closed with a tender rebuke not to doubt, if he wants His blessings upon him. John’s circumstances did not improve; in fact, he was soon beheaded at the cruel request of Herodias. But it is safe to assume that Jesus’ response was more than enough to encourage John and renew his faith and confidence.



Praying the Scripture 用经文祷告


  1. At times, even a man of John’s spiritual stature and gifts was subject to doubt. Who do you turn to during these times?



  1. At times of doubts what can you do?



  1. We thank God that even when we doubt Him, He is faithful to us (2 Tim. 2:13). While the Lord understands the doubts of His children, He is never pleased with them because it reflects against Him (8:26; 14:31; Luke 12:28). What can we do to equip ourselves so that we are not tossed and turned by every wind and wave?
