Scripture Reading : Acts 20:17-24
Theme : Paul’s Philosophy of Ministry
- Serving the Lord heartily. Paul’s whole heart was devoted to God and he served God “with all humility”. Paul was a Pharisee and had an outstanding religious career, but he gave it all up when he realised that all those things that he practised as a Pharisee did not please God. Instead, he took on a life dedicated to the Gospel, even though it meant hardship and danger (“with tears and with trials”).
- Serving the church unreservedly. Paul dedicated his life to preaching the Gospel and teaching the Christians wherever he went (“in public and from house to house”). He also counselled the believers by declaring to them “anything that was profitable”. With regards to the Word of God, he declared to them “the whole counsel of God” (20:27), without concealing anything.
- Serving the world inexhaustibly. Paul did not know what exactly awaited him, but he did know that it would be hardship and persecution in every city (“imprisonment and affliction await me”). Despite the danger and hardship, Paul simply pressed on to preach the Gospel to all the cities that he went to, so that sinners might be saved.
- Serving his calling single-mindedly. Paul understood that the calling he received was from the Lord Jesus. He gave up his life to serve this calling, dedicated to being faithful to God to the very end (“finish my course”).
Praying the Scripture
- Christians should not think of serving God only when it is convenient and easy for them to do so. We are to serve God heartily, even if it means hardship and danger. Pray that we will serve God “with all humility and with tears and with trials”.
- Paul served God through serving the church, by teaching them the Word of God and counselling the believers. Pray that we too will serve the church unreservedly, by counselling one another and declaring “anything that is profitable” in order to build one another up.
- The world needs the Gospel, not political, economic and social change. Pray that we will serve the world inexhaustibly, by sharing the Gospel with all the people around us.
- 全心全意侍奉主。保罗一心一意,忠心于神,并在服侍上“凡事谦卑”。保罗曾是一位法利赛人,有出色的宗教事业,但一旦晓得所行的并不是神所喜悦的,他完全弃绝那一切。他转而把生命献于福音,即便需经困苦、危难之路(保罗“眼中流泪,又因犹太人的谋害经历试炼”)。
- 毫无保留侍奉教会。保罗献上自己的生命,不论到哪儿都致力于传福音及教导信徒(“或在众人面前,或在各人家里”)。保罗也向信徒传讲“凡于你们有益的”,从而辅导他们。对于神的道,保罗“没有一样避讳”不传给信徒的(20:27)。
- 不遗余力侍奉世界。保罗并不晓得自己将遭遇什么事,只知道他在各城必遇到困难与逼迫(“有捆锁与患难等待我”)。即使遭受危难与困境,保罗仅是坚持在所往的城市传福音,叫罪人能得救。
- 专心致志相应呼召。保罗明白他的呼召来自主耶稣。他为相应这呼召放弃了自己的生命,致力对神忠心,直到终了(“行完我的路程”)。
- 信徒不能只在自己方便的时候才想到侍奉神。我们当甘心乐意地侍奉,即便会遇到艰难和危险。祈求我们能“服侍主凡事谦卑”,愿意“眼中流泪……经历试炼”。
- 保罗藉着侍奉教会,教导他们神的道并辅导信徒,从而侍奉神。祈求我们也能毫无保留地侍奉教会,能彼此辅导,传讲“凡于你们(信徒)有益的”,好建立、造就彼此。
- 这个世界需要的是福音,不是政治、经济或社会变化。祈求我们能不遗余力地侍奉这世界,向我们周围的人分享福音信息。