Scripture Reading : Mark 8:22-9:1
Theme : Jesus Foretells His Death & Resurrection I
- The Perception of the Disciples. The healing of the blind man was a miracle that served as an illustration for the upcoming question Jesus had for the disciples. Just as the blind man could not see clearly at the beginning, many people did not recognize Jesus as the Christ. “Christ” means “Anointed One”, whom the Jews understood to refer to the coming Saviour. On the other hand, the disciples knew and confessed Jesus as the Christ, just like how the blind man “saw everything clearly” (Mark 8:25) after he was healed.
- The Prediction of Death. This is the first time Jesus predicted His death and resurrection. Even though the disciples recognized Jesus as the Christ, they did not understand clearly His mission to die on the cross to save sinners. Jesus did not mean that Peter was possessed by Satan. Jesus meant that anyone who does not set their minds “on the things of God, but on the things of man”, would not be serving God and His purpose. After His crucifixion, Jesus would be resurrected again.
- The Price of Discipleship. Taking up the cross in those days meant crucifixion by death. Therefore, true followers of Jesus will make sacrifices for God, to the extent of being willing to die.
Praying the Scripture
- We must thank God for sending Jesus to die on the cross for us. But Jesus did not die and remain buried. He was also resurrected. Thank God that He has promised to resurrect all believers in the future.
- Anyone who does not serve God will inevitably be slaves to sin (Romans 6:16). Jesus died on the cross in order to free us from sin (Romans 6:5-11). Let us pray that we will not set our minds on the things of man, but on the things of God, so that we will be God’s slaves and not slaves to sin.
- There is no such thing as a secret Christian (or “me-and-my-Jesus”). Jesus commanded us to share the Gospel and not be ashamed of His words. Let us pray for boldness to share the Gospel with unbelievers.
- 众门徒的感观。医治瞎子的神迹是用以为耶稣对门徒将问的问题的演示。如瞎子起初看不清楚,许多人起初也不认识耶稣是基督。“基督”之意是“受膏者”,而犹太人晓得那指的是日后将来临的救主。另一方面,众门徒知道并承认耶稣就是基督,正如瞎子得医治后“样样都看得清楚了”(25节)。
- 死亡的预言。这是耶稣首次预言祂的死和复活。虽然众门徒认得耶稣就是基督,但他们仍未完全明白祂将死在十架拯救罪人的使命。耶稣之意并非彼得被撒旦附身了;祂的意思是:凡“不体贴神的意思,只体贴人的意思”的,就不是事奉神或行祂的旨意了。被钉之后,耶稣将会复活。
- 作门徒的代价。那时,背起十字架的意思就是在十字架上被钉死。因此,真实跟从耶稣的会为神做出牺牲,甚至情愿受死。
- 我们当感谢神差耶稣为我们钉死在十字架上。但耶稣并不是永远死及被埋葬的;祂也复活了。感谢神应许日后将要使每一位信徒复活。
- 凡不事奉神的,必然是罪的奴仆(罗6:16)。耶稣死在十字架上,为要使我们脱离罪的束缚(罗5:5-11)。让我们祈求我们不会体贴人的意思,只体贴神的意思,叫我们作神的奴仆而不是罪的奴仆。
- 世界上无“秘密信徒”这事(或“我和我的耶稣”)。耶稣命令我们去传福音,不要以祂的话为耻。让我们祈求有胆量向非信徒传福音。