Scripture Reading : Gen 13
Theme : A New Beginning
A new beginning (1–4).
God chastened Abram in Egypt, and Abram returned to the land he never should have left. He was a very wealthy man, but his tent and altar were the most valuable things he possessed. When we fail, the Lord is ready to forgive and restore (1 John 1:5–2:2). “The victorious Christian life is a series of new beginnings,” said Alexander Whyte.
A new burden (5–13).
A new blessing (14–18).
Praying the Scripture
- Yes, faithful men sometimes failed and fell. But the Lord is gracious to bring them out of their difficult situations. Abraham learned his lesson, repented, and “went up” out of Egypt (13:1). Let’s pray that we quickly repent and return to God when we realized we have failed and fell.
- Because of Abraham’s sin, Lot developed a taste for the world. He liked Jordan Valley because it was “like the land of Egypt” (Gen 13:10) and later Lot moved his tent closer and closer to Sodom. (Gen 13:12). Yes, the Lord does forgive us and save us from His future judicious punishment but we still have to bear the consequences sin brings. An AIDS patient can be forgiven of his sin yet he’ll still died of AIDS. A gambler can be forgiven yet he cannot get back the fortune he gambled away. Let’s pray that we do not treat sin lightly but see the truth and consequences that sin brings.
- Abraham is truly a man walked by faith not by sight. Of course Abraham, like Lot, saw that Jordan Valley was well watered, like the garden of the LORD (Gen 13:10). Yet he gave up the material gain. Can you give up material gains for the sake of holiness? Let’s pray that our eyes are not attracted to the world but by the Lord who richly provides us with everything to enjoy. (1Ti 6:17)
[1] Warren W. Wiersbe, With the Word Bible Commentary (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1991), Ge 13:1.
一个全新的开始 (1–4)
一个全新的负担 (5–13)
一个全新的祝福 (14–18).
- 是的,信主的人有时也会失败跌倒。但主是满有恩典的,祂将他们从困境中带出来。亚伯拉罕吸取了教训,就悔改,从埃及回转(13:1)。让我们祈求神,当我们意识到自己失败、跌倒时,让我们能迅速悔改并归回神,
- 由于亚伯拉罕的罪,罗得对世俗产生了兴趣。他喜欢约旦河的平原因为它像“埃及的土地”那样(创13:10),后来罗得开始将自己的帐篷搬至越来越靠近所多玛 (创13:12)。是的,主赦免我们,救我们脱离他未来的审判,但我们仍然要承担罪所带来的后果。一个艾滋病患者的罪是可以被赦免的,但他仍然还是会死于艾滋病。一个赌徒是可以被赦免,但他再也讨不回之前所输光的财富。让我们祷告神使我们不轻看罪恶,同时认出罪所带来的后果。
- 亚伯拉罕是一个真正凭着信心不是凭眼见的人。当然亚伯拉罕就如罗得一样,也看到了约旦河的平原,犹如耶和华的花园。(创13:10)然而,他放弃物质利益。你能为了圣洁的缘故放弃物质的利益吗?让我们祷告,使我们的眼睛不被世俗吸引过去,而是定睛于那提供一切丰富让我们享受的主。 (提前6:17)