Scripture Reading : Acts 24:1-27
Theme : Listening to the Word
- Listening with interest. After Paul was rescued from the plot to kill him, he was brought before Felix the Roman Governor, who heard the case both from the Jews and from Paul. Felix was familiar with the Way, referring to the teachings of Christianity, because his wife Drusilla was Jewish (24:24). Paul remained under Roman custody because the Jews could not prove their case against Paul. Felix was interested to hear the Word of God because he sent for Paul again to hear him speak about Jesus (24:24).
- Listening with fear. When Paul spoke the truth “about righteousness (and sin) and self-control and the coming judgment”, Felix was afraid, clearly showing that he recognized intellectually that he too was a sinner. Even though Paul was in custody and under the authority of Felix, Paul did not bribe Felix in order to gain his freedom, nor said things that pleased Felix. Paul continued to preach the Gospel faithfully.
- Listening with no action. Felix heard Paul’s messages repeatedly for two years, but he was only a hearer of the Word and not a doer. Felix was like the foolish builder, who also heard the Word of Christ, but did nothing to obey it (Matthew 7:26). Felix was self-deceived, because he was only a hearer of the Word, but not a doer (James 1:22). Felix was still unrepentant in the end, preferring to please the Jews than to do what was right, to free Paul, whom he knew was innocent.
Praying the Scripture
- Felix was an unbeliever, and there is no evidence from Scripture that he ever repented and believed in Jesus. However, there is one thing he probably did better than many so-called Christians: Felix was interested to hear the Word of God. Many people come to church on Sundays and their hearts are elsewhere – they doze off in the pew, or they are busy with their phones. Pray that we will listen to the Word of God with interest, wanting to know what the Bible truly says.
- Not only was Felix interested, he probably understood what it meant and the implications for him, if he does not repent of his sins. There are many self-righteous people who are not convicted of their sin, and they become angry when they perceive that the sermon is addressing their sin. Pray that when we listen to the Word of God, we will listen with fear, especially when it comes to sin and judgment.
- James 1:25 “But the one who looks into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and perseveres, being no hearer who forgets but a doer who acts, he will be blessed in his doing.” Pray that we will not only be hearers of the Word, but also doers of the Word.
- 感兴趣地聆听。保罗从犹太人的计谋逃脱后,他被带到罗马巡抚腓力斯前;腓力斯也听了双方(犹太人和保罗)的辩解。腓力斯是熟悉神之道的,即基督教的教导,因为他的妻子土西拉是犹太人(24:24)。由于犹太人无法推翻保罗的分诉,保罗仍留在监里。腓力斯是感兴趣听道的,因为他屡次传保罗,要听他讲论信基督耶稣的道(24:24)。
- 以敬畏之心聆听。当保罗“讲论公义(与罪)、节制和将来的审判”时,腓力斯甚是恐惧,显明他在理性上也认同自己是个罪人。保罗虽然仍被关在牢里,仍在腓力斯的权威下,但他既没有予贿赂以得自由,也没有刻意说些好听的话讨腓力斯的欢心。保罗继续忠心地传讲福音。
- 毫无行动地聆听。腓力斯两年期间重复地听保罗所讲的道,但他仅是听道而不是行道的人。腓力斯像那个愚昧的建筑工人;他听了神的道,却不遵行(太7:26)。腓力斯是自欺的,因为他单单听道,不去行道(各1:22)。最终,他仍没悔改,宁愿讨好犹太人,也不愿意行公义;尽管晓得保罗是无辜的,他却不释放保罗。
- 腓力斯是非信徒;圣经没有证据显明他曾悔改并信靠耶稣。然而,他做的一件事或许比很多自称为信徒的更好:他感兴趣听神的道。很多人周日到教会,心却飘游在外——他们或者在座位上打盹儿,或者忙着看手机。祈求我们会感兴趣地听神的道,想知道圣经真正说的是什么。
- 腓力斯不但感兴趣地听道,他或许也明白其中的含义,即不悔改的后果。许多自以为义的认为自己没有犯罪,而当他们认为道是在定他们的罪时,他们反倒生气。祈求我们聆听神的道时,会以敬畏的心聆听,尤其关乎罪与审判的时候。
- 雅各书1:25:“唯有详细察看那全备、使人自由之律法的,并且时常如此,这人既不是听了就忘,乃是实在行出来,就在他所行的事上必然得福。”祈求我们不要单听神的道,也要行出道来。