10 Mar 2016, Jeremiah 22 耶利米书 22, Exhortation to Davidic Kings 予大卫王室的劝诫

Scripture Reading  : Jeremiah 22

Theme                  : Exhortation to Davidic Kings


Message to Shallum (1-12).

Shallum is another name for Jehoahaz, the son of Josiah who tried to steer Israel back to worshipping God. After Josiah died, his son Jehoahaz ruled Israel, but he worshipped idols instead of God. God commands him to turn away from idols and violence; and turn to God. If he and his court continue to destroy innocent people, God will destroy them. In the end, Jehoahaz did not listen so he was exiled to Egypt (2 Kgs. 23:32-33). God says Jerusalem should not weep for Josiah, who had died, but for Jehoahaz who will be exiled in Egypt.

Condemnation of Jehoiakim (13-23).

Jehoiakim excelled in covetousness. He was a wicked king. He was so bad that after he dies, no one will even cry for him or give him a dignified funeral fitting of a king. Instead he will be buried like a donkey, being dragged out of the city and dumped like trash. This happened when Babylon sieged the city for the second time (2 Kgs. 24:1).

Rejection of Coniah (24-30).

Coniah is another name for Jehoiachin (2 Kgs. 24:10). He destroyed Jeremiah’s book; therefore God will destroy him and prevent his entire line from ruling Israel (36:30). Jesus circumvents this curse by being the physical son of Mary, who is from the Davidic line of Nathan not Coniah (Luke 3:31), and by being Joseph’s legal son, who is entitled to the throne of David because Joseph is from the line of Coniah (Matt. 1:12).


Praying the Scripture

God is love, but He will also deal with sin accordingly. Those who do not take heed to His warnings and blessings will have eternal consequences. Galatians 6:7 says we reap what we sow. If someone persistently oppose God, he will be punished by God severely like Coniah, who dared to burn God’s word. Thank God for rescuing you from His righteous judgement, but also take sin seriously, not in a presumptuous way, thinking you can do whatever you want since God has forgiven you in Jesus (Ps. 19:13). Some heretical preachers like Joseph Prince teach people to commit presumptuous sins. They abuse God’s grace; instead of being dependent on God’s grace to overcome sin. Pray that you will not presume on God’s grace in Jesus, but submit to God’s lordship and depend on His grace to overcome sin. God will surely answer your prayers (1 John 5:14).










