10 Nov 2015, Daniel 12 但以理书 12, Eternal Life and Eternal Contempt 永生与永远蒙羞

Scripture Reading  : Daniel 12

Theme                  : Eternal Life and Eternal Contempt


Closing of Vision (1-4). The vision ends with the promise of eternal life for God’s people and eternal contempt for rebelling against God. Eternal life is not referring to length of life, but is referring to a quality of life. Eternal life is true life (1 Tim. 6:19) as intended by God, filled with righteousness, peace, joy, honour, and glory. The opposite of that, and there is no middle ground, is eternal existence filled with shame, contempt, ungodliness, sorrow and restlessness in hell. Those who are wise in the Lord, living according to His truth will shine gloriously in the new world. Those who evangelize and turn many to God will shine brightly like the bright stars in a dark place forever and ever.

Sealing of Vision (5-13). The wicked will not understand the meaning of God’s vision, but the righteous will understand it and prepare themselves to meet their Lord. The Jews will greatly suffer under the antichrist for 1,290 years, but those who put their faith in Jesus will be delivered and enter the Messianic Kingdom. Daniel himself will be resurrected and be in the Messianic Kingdom.


Praying the Scripture

  1. At the end, we will face the Judge of the world. “What will you do when the Law comes in terror, when the trumpet of the archangel shall tear you from your grave, when the eyes of God shall burn their way into your guilty soul, when the great books shall be opened, and all your sin and shame shall be published? Can you stand against an angry Law in that day?” (Spurgeon). Forsake your rebellion and flee to Christ for salvation before the Day of the Lord comes. Commit yourself to God and love Him above all.
  1. Thank you God for washing our guilt away through Jesus! For opening our eyes to see true life is a life of worshipping you that is filled with righteousness, peace, joy, honour and glory from you. Thank you for delivering us from everlasting contempt. Glory, honour, and highest praise to you!







  1. 事到最后,我们将面对世界的审判官。司布真写道:“当那位律法以惊人的姿态降临,当大天使的号声使你从墓中惊醒,当神的眼目穿透你羞愧的灵,当大册开起,而你的一生的罪恶过犯将公诸于世,你当如何行?到了那日,你是否能在那位愤怒的律法前站立得住?”你要在耶和华的日子降临之前舍弃你的谋反,奔向基督的拯救。你要委身于神,专心一志地爱祂。
  1. 神啊,感谢你借着耶稣洗尽我们所有的羞愧!感谢你开启我们的眼睛,叫我们得知真正的生命,能一生敬拜你,享受你所赐下的公义、平安、喜乐、尊荣和荣耀。感谢你救我们免受永远的羞辱。愿荣耀、尊贵和至高的赞美都归于你!