Scripture Reading : Acts 25:1-12
Theme : Paul appeals to Caesar
- The ambush. It had been two whole years since the trial before Felix, and once the new governor Festus came, the Jews brought their case before Festus, plotting to kill Paul again! They were relentless in their pursuit to kill Paul, even though much time had passed since the last ambush that was thwarted. The hatred of the Jewish fanatics could be clearly seen.
- The accusation. Festus, like his predecessor, Felix, sought to please the Jews. The Jews brought false charges against Paul, like they did two years earlier, but could not prove their case. Their charges were most likely similar to the earlier trial before Felix, which included sedition (violation of Roman law), sectarianism (violation of Jewish law) and sacrilege (violation of God’s law).
- The appeal. When Festus wanted to please the Jews and suggested that Paul returned to Jerusalem to stand trial, Paul knew that he would be walking to his death. Two years ago, he had escaped in the middle of the night under heavy Roman guard. The accusation that the Jews brought against him again showed him that they still hated him and would seek to kill him again. Therefore, Paul exercised his right as a Roman citizen to have a trial in Rome.
Praying the Scripture
- The Jews who plotted to kill Paul were religious fanatics, much like the terrorists in modern-times. They plotted to murder Paul and violated the Old Testament law themselves (Ex. 20:13 – the sixth commandment). Pray that we will not allow hatred, anger and bitterness to build up in our hearts.
- The Jews accused Paul of sacrilege (violation of God’s law). However, when they brought such false charges, they were themselves violating the ninth commandment (Ex. 20:16) by bearing false witness. Pray that we will not be quick to judge others of their sin before we examine our own hearts.
- Paul exercised his right as a Roman citizen when he appealed to Caesar, to have a trial in Rome. As Christians, we must be wise and not allow ourselves to be abused by evil men. Pray that we will be “wise as serpents but innocent as doves” (Matt. 10:16).
- 其埋伏。自保罗在腓力斯面前受审讯后,时日已过两年,而一旦换了新的巡抚非斯都,犹太人又在他面前控告保罗,还再度计谋杀他!虽然时间已过了那么久,但他们仍坚决要杀保罗。犹太教狂热分子的愤恨是显然可见的。
- 其控告。如前任的巡抚腓力斯一样,非斯都想讨犹太人的欢喜;犹太人也如两年前一样,口说无凭,胡乱控告保罗。他们的控告大可能与腓力斯那时的审讯一样,诬告保罗违反罗马律法、违反犹太教律法与违反神之律法。
- 其上诉。当非斯都因为想讨犹太人的欢喜而提议保罗回耶路撒冷受审断时,保罗晓得这是死路一条。两年前,他曾在众多罗马的护兵的保护下深夜逃离;两年后,犹太人所控告他的罪刑显示他们仍憎恨保罗,想要杀他。因此,保罗使用他做罗马公民的权利,祈求在罗马受审。
- 企图杀害保罗的犹太人是宗教狂热分子,如现代的恐怖分子一样。他们企图谋杀保罗,自己违背了旧约律法(出20:13——第六个诫命)。祷告我们不会容许憎恨、愤怒和苦毒在我们的心里存留积累。
- 犹太人诬告保罗违背神的律法。然而,当他们提出这样的控告时,他们自己也违背了第九个诫命(出20:16),因为他们做假见证。祷告我们在论断他人犯罪之前,要先省察自己的心。
- 当保罗上告于凯撒,要求在罗马受审时,他使用了自己做罗马公民的权利。身为基督徒,我们也当有智慧,提防恶人陷害。祈求我们能“灵巧像蛇,驯良像鸽子”(太10:16)。