12 Apr 2016, Jeremiah 38 耶利米书 38, God Rescues Jeremiah 神拯救耶利米

Scripture Reading  : Jeremiah 38

Theme                      : God Rescues Jeremiah


God Rescues Jeremiah (1-13)

During the siege of Jerusalem, Jeremiah warns the people to surrender in order to live. Consequently, those officials who are pro-Egyptian and anti-Babylonians want to kill Jeremiah for treason. Ironically, they accuse Jeremiah of not looking out for the welfare of the people when in reality the opposite is true. They do not care about the people by trying to silence the truth, while Jeremiah obeys God and warns them. For this, Jeremiah is put in a cistern and left there to die by Zedekiah’s officials. Zedekiah is too weak morally and spiritually to intervene. He fears men more than God (Prov. 29:25) and lacks trust in God. The only person who cares about Jeremiah is a foreign eunuch. For his faith in God and care for Jeremiah, God saves the eunuch’s life after the siege (39:18). God is faithful to fulfill His promise to protect Jeremiah’s life.

God Warns Zedekiah (14-28).

The faithless and morally weak Zedekiah once again wishes to hear from Jeremiah because he was hoping God would change His mind without their obedience. God repeats the same message of mercy for those who surrender, but death for those who resist the Babylonians. Again, Zedekiah is faithless to trust in God, too afraid of his officials and too weak morally to do what is right for his people. God lovingly warns the Jews, but He is also faithful to fulfill his promise to destroy those who do not surrender. At the end, Jeremiah, a man of faith, is rescued, but faithless Zedekiah is destroyed.

Praying the Scripture

Those who try to preserve themselves while disobeying God will surely forfeit their lives and God’s blessings. But those who are willing to lose their lives in order to obey God will surely gain eternal life, even if they lose their temporal, physical life (Matt 16:25). This is the lesson of this chapter. May you trust in God’s warnings and blessings in the Bible. Sin and disobedience will never result in permanent happiness and safety, but will result in destruction and pain. Whatever comfort, peace and joy that sin may bring are only short-lived. Pray that you will believe in God’s word. If God’s warnings and blessings to His enemies are true, His warnings and blessings to His beloved are even surer.





