20 Apr 2017, Acts 使徒行传 25:13 – 26:32: The Testimony of Paul 保罗的见证

Scripture Reading        : Acts 25:13 – 26:32

Theme                         : The Testimony of Paul


King Agrippa was Herod Agrippa II, the son of Herod who was eaten by worms and died (Acts 12:19-23). When Festus brought Paul before King Agrippa, Paul immediately took the opportunity to give his testimony and preach the Gospel.

  1. Who was Paul before becoming a Christian? He persecuted the Lord. Paul was a Pharisee before he became a Christian. He thought that by obeying the law, a sinner can please God and earned his way into heaven. He persecuted Christians for preaching another way to heaven, through faith alone in Jesus.
  1. How did Paul become a Christian? He personally met the Lord. On the road to Damascus, Paul had a personal encounter with Jesus. Every sinner needs to have a personal encounter with Jesus, to recognize his own sinfulness and total helplessness, and trust in Jesus alone to save him from hell. No one can become a Christian by birth, nationality or coming to church – all must confess the name of Jesus with their mouths and believe in their hearts before they can be saved.
  1. What changes resulted after Paul become a Christian? He preached the Lord. There was a 180 degrees change for Paul – he opposed the Lord and persecuted Christians before he became a Christian, but he preached the Lord and became persecuted after he became a Christian. Paul truly practiced what he preached, that sinners “should repent and turn to God and demonstrate their repentance by their deeds.” (26:20)


Praying the Scripture

  1. In one way or another, all unbelievers are opposing Jesus Christ, as long as they do not repent from their sins and believe in Him alone. We too opposed the Lord before God had mercy and grace on us and saved us. Pray for unbelievers around us, especially our family and friends, that God will forgive them and grant them repentance.
  1. Not everyone will have such a dramatic conversion experience as Paul or some of the other Apostles. In fact, Peter wrote about his own dramatic experience (witnessing the transfiguration and hearing God’s audible voice), but concluded that “we have the prophetic word more fully confirmed, to which you will do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place.” (2 Pet. 1:19) In a sense, God’s Word that acts as a lamp shining in our dark and sinful hearts is like Paul’s experience of a blinding light. Let us thank God for shining His light into our sinful hearts using His Word.
  1. Pray that those of us who claim to believe in Jesus will truly “demonstrate their repentance by their deeds”. One way of doing so is to serve God by preaching the Gospel, despite rejection and even persecution. Pray that we will have courage and not be ashamed of the Lord and His Gospel.





  1. 保罗成为基督徒之前是谁?他逼迫主。在成为信徒之前,保罗是一名法利赛人。他以为只要遵守律法,罪人便能讨神的喜悦,取得往天国的通票。由于基督徒传的是另一个往天堂的道路,也就是唯独信靠耶稣才能得救,他便逼迫基督徒。
  1. 保罗如何成为基督徒?他亲眼见主面。往大马士革途中,保罗亲自遇见耶稣。每个罪人与耶稣都要有个人的经历,叫罪人得以看见自己的罪性与全然的无助,并唯独信靠耶稣救他脱离地狱。无人能靠自己的种族、国籍或教会做信徒——人人都当口里承认、心里相信耶稣为主,才能得救。
  1. 保罗成为基督徒后有什么改变?他传主名。保罗全然蜕变——信主之前,他曾经抵挡主,也逼迫基督徒;信主之后,他却传主名,反受逼迫。保罗确实行他所传的道理,即罪人“当悔改归向神,行事与悔改的心相称”(26:20)。


  1. 不论在大事或小事上,只要非信徒不愿从罪中悔改并信靠耶稣基督,他们都是抵挡神的。在神未降下怜悯与恩典使我们蒙得救赎前,我们也是抵挡神的。请为我们身边的非信徒祷告,尤其是我们的家人和朋友,求神能赦免他们,并赐他们悔改的心。
  1. 不是每个人都会像保罗或其他使徒一样有那么戏剧性的信主经历。实际上,彼得记载了自己戏剧性的经历后(见证主变形,又听见神的声音),却总结说:“我们并有先知更确的预言,如同灯照在暗处。你们在这预言上留意……才是好的”(彼后1:19)。在某种意义上,神的道犹同灯照在我们黑暗与罪恶的心,如保罗经历的闪光一样。让我们感谢神用祂的道使祂的光照入我们罪恶的心。
  1. 请让我们这些自称是信主的会真实“行事与悔改的心相称”。其中一个方式就是借着传福音侍奉神,纵然会遭拒绝,甚至逼迫。祈求我们会有胆量,不会以主之名及祂的福音为耻。