21 Apr 2017, Acts 使徒行传 27:1-32: How to Live Under God’s Sovereignty I 如何在神的主权下生活(一)

Scripture Reading        : Acts 27:1-32

Theme                         : How to Live Under God’s Sovereignty I


  1. Be free in God’s sovereignty. After the trial before Festus and Agrippa, Paul began his journey to Rome, as promised by God. God had promised Paul that he will testify for God in Rome, but did not tell Paul how He would fulfil His promise. By God’s sovereignty, He would use the Romans to provide Paul a safe and all-expense-paid voyage to Rome! God also did not promise that the journey will be smooth and plain-sailing, as evident from the passage, that the voyage was filled with much difficulty (v4: the winds were against us, v7: had difficulty, v8: with difficulty). What God demanded is simply that Paul trust in Him and be faithful to fulfil his calling to preach the Gospel.
  1. Be active in God’s sovereignty. The Day of Atonement was held sometime in late September or early October, after which was winter, making travel in the open sea a dangerous thing to do. Knowing the danger that lies ahead, Paul warned the centurion, who did not listen to his counsel. During the storm, Paul encouraged the people to persevere, and he warned the centurion of the escaping sailors. Paul did not “let go and let God”, but was actively doing what he ought to do.

Praying the Scripture

  1. God did not promise that our lives will be smooth and plain-sailing after we become Christians. What we need to do is to obey His Word and trust in Him, and live our lives freely in such a manner to bring glory to His name. We must not believe the lies that many false-teachers tell us. Pray that we will be free in God’s sovereignty, and glorify Him in all that we do.
  1. It might sound very spiritual to “let go and let God”, but it is actually a very unbiblical thing to do. Throughout the Bible, it teaches believers to do what is right, to be doers of God’s Word, to serve the church actively, etc. Pray that we will not be irresponsible Christians but do what we can do, and trust God fully for the outcome.




  1. 在神的主权里自由在非斯都与亚基帕前受审讯后,保罗开始前往罗马,如神所应许的。神曾应许保罗他将在罗马为神做见证,却没告诉他应许是如何应验的。神将藉着祂的主权使用罗马人为保罗提供往罗马的安全、免费旅程!神也没应许行程将是一帆风顺的;如经文显明,行程将百经患难(4节:风不顺;7节:被拦阻)。神要求保罗的仅是保罗信靠祂,并忠于他的呼召传福音。
  1. 在神的主权里积极。禁食的节日是在九月底或十月初举行的;之后便入冬,使公海航行不安全。由于保罗晓得眼前的危险,他警告了百夫长,百夫长却不听。暴风之时,保罗鼓励大家要坚持,并警戒百夫长有水手想要逃出船去。保罗并没有“放手、任神”,而是积极行他当做的事。


  1. 神没应许我们在成为信徒后,生命必然一帆风顺。我们需要做的乃是顺服神之言、信靠神,并以自由活出荣耀神之名的生命。我们不能相信众多假教师所告诉我们的谎言。祈求我们会在神的主权里得着自由,并在凡事所行上荣耀祂。
  1. “放手、任神”的概念听起来很属灵,但却与圣经的教导非常不符。圣经反复教导信徒要行公义,要做行道的,要积极服侍教会,等。祷告我们不会做不负责任的基督徒,而是要竭尽所能把事做好,并将其结果交托于神。