13 Mar 2013, Hebrews 希伯来书 5:11 – 6:20: Salvation by Faith 因信得救

Scripture Reading        : Hebrews 5:11 – 6:20

Theme                       : Salvation by Faith


  1. Exhortation to grow. After believing the Gospel, the Hebrews became stagnant and did not grow spiritually. They have been exposed to the Gospel truth, and ought to be passing this knowledge to others, but they were regressing spiritually and needed to be taught again. The “word of righteousness” refers to the message of the Gospel of salvation by faith.
  1. Example of apostasy. The author warns the Hebrews that spiritual stagnation is actually a sign of apostasy (rejecting the faith). This passage has often been cited as proof that a Christian can lose his salvation, but such a concept is not biblical. A true believer will never lose his salvation (John 10:27-29; Romans 8:35; Philippians 1:6). The more accurate understanding of this passage is that some people gladly accept the Gospel when they first heard it, but end up rejecting the truth, which results in God’s judgment.
  1. Exhortation to persevere. From Hebrews 6:9, the author now turns back to addressing true believers, and encourages them to persevere in good works. The motivation behind the Christian’s perseverance is founded in the faithfulness of God. God did not only promise salvation, which is sufficient in itself, but He also “guaranteed it with an oath” that He will fulfill His promise.


Praying the Scripture

  1. The characteristic that all healthy living things ought to have is growth. Lack of growth may show a deeper problem – lack of life. Pray that we will not be stagnant in our spiritual growth, and that we will not be “unskilled in the word of righteousness”.
  1. Those who “tasted the goodness of the word of God” but “have fallen away” are just like the path, rocky ground and thorns in the parable of the sower (Matthew 13:1-9). Even though they heard the word of God, these people did not become true believers, because they did not bear fruit. Pray that we will not reject the truth and we will not crucify “once again the Son of God”.
  1. God is faithful and He not only made a promise, but guaranteed it with an oath. If we had ever doubt God’s goodness, let us repent from this sin, and pray that God will help us to persevere in good works.

经文:希伯来书5:11 – 6:20



  1. 要长大成人的劝诫。信福音后,希伯来人停滞不前,没有属灵的增长。他们晓得福音真理,也理当向他人传这知识,但他们却在灵里倒退,必须再受教导。“仁义的道理”指的就是因信得救的福音信息。
  1. 背教之例。希伯来书的作者警告:属灵呆滞实际上是背教的迹象(或拒绝真理)。这段经文经常被引用,作信徒能失去救恩的凭据,但这概念是不符圣经的。一个真实的信徒是不会失去他的救恩的(约10:27-29;罗8:35;腓1:6)。一个更精确的解释是:有些人起初听到福音时是欢欣接受的,但最后却拒绝真理,引来神的审判。
  1. 要坚持的劝诫。从6:9后,作者转向真信徒,鼓励他们坚持行善。信徒能如此坚持,是基于对神的忠心。神不但应许救赎(其本身就足够了),还“起誓为证”,说祂必成就应许。


  1. 所有活物当有的特征是成长。成长呆滞或许显示一个更深的问题:缺乏生命。祷告我们不会在在属灵成长中停滞,也不会“不熟练仁义的道理”。
  1. 凡“尝过神善道的滋味”但“离弃道理”的,就像撒种比喻中落在路旁、石头地上及荆棘里的种子(太13:1-9)。他们虽然听到神的道,却没有成为真信徒,因为他们没结果子。祈求我们不会拒绝真理,不会“把神的儿子重钉十字架”。
  1. 神是信实的;祂不但立下应许,还起誓为证。我们若曾怀疑神的良善,就让我们从这罪中悔改,并祈求神能助我们坚持行善。