Scripture Reading : Gen 17
Theme : New Life
New revelations.
As far as the record is concerned, God waited thirteen years before He revealed Himself again to Abram. During those quiet intervening years, Abram continued to walk with God and serve Him. He did not need constant special revelations to do God’s will, nor do we. God reaffirmed His covenant and then gave Abram the sign of circumcision as the mark of that covenant. How unfortunate that many of the Jews trusted in the sign rather than in the Lord (Acts 15:5; Rom. 4:10; Gal. 5:6)! God wanted an inward change of the heart, not just surgery on the body (Deut. 10:16; Jer. 4:4).
New names.
New joy.
Praying the Scripture
- It is very difficult for us to wait on the Lord. Yet God’s way is not our way (Isa 55:9). Why would God want Abraham to wait for thirteen years? Because the Lord wanted Abraham to know that God is all-sufficient and all-powerful, and that nothing is impossible for Him. After Abraham’s battle with the four kings, God came to him as a warrior and told him He was Abraham’s “shield.” When Abraham wondered about Sodom’s wealth, God told him He was his “exceedingly great reward” (Gen. 15:1). Now when Abraham and Sarah were “as good as dead,” God assured them that He was more than sufficient to bring about the miracle birth. Yes, God is going to bless us but the obstacle is that we still rely on our own way and not his way. A father will not give his son his fortune unless the son knows how to handle it. Let’s pray that we grow in Christ to know Him and His way quickly.
- New name means new character. After 13 years Abram finally learned the lesson and now his name is changed to Abraham. Sarai’s name also changed to Sarah. If we claim to know God and yet there is no change in our lives, we don’t really know Him at all. If theology cannot change you, you have no theology at all. Pray that our theology is not head knowledge but coming face to face with the living God.
[1] Warren W. Wiersbe, With the Word Bible Commentary (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1991), Ge 17:1.
- 等候主是一件非常困难的事。然而,我们要明白神的道路并不是我们的道路。(赛55:9)为什么神要亚伯拉罕等待十三年呢?因为神要亚伯拉罕知道祂是全备和全能的神,在神没有难成的事。亚伯拉罕与四个国王争战后,神以一个战士的身份来到他的面前告诉亚伯拉罕,祂就是他的“盾牌”。当亚伯拉罕在考虑所多玛的财富时,神告诉他,神才是他“大大的赏赐”。(创15:1)现在,当亚伯拉罕和撒拉“如同死了”,神向他们保证,祂必使孩子奇迹的诞生。是的,神要祝福我们,但神的祝福因着我们依靠自己的方法而不是祂的全能而受到限制。除非孩子知道如何处理财富,不然父亲是不会把财产交给儿子的。让我们祈祷,我们快快的在基督里成长并认识主的祝福。
- 新的名字意味着新的生命。经过13年,亚伯兰终于吸取了教训,而现在他的名字已改为亚伯拉罕。撒莱的名字也改为撒拉。如果我们声称认识神,但生命却丝毫没有任何改变,那就证明我们完全不认识神。如果神学没能改变你,那你根本就不知道什么是神学。让我们祈祷,使我们的神学,并不只头脑里的知识,而是活生生的来与神面对面。