Scripture Reading : Acts 27:33 – 28:15
Theme : How to Live Under God’s Sovereignty II
- Be responsible in God’s sovereignty. After 14 days and nights without eating any food, the men were weary and loosing strength. Paul ate and urged the people to eat and regain their physical strength. God’s sovereignty does not free man from his responsibility to take care of himself physically so that he can do what God intended for him to do. It is superfluous to assume that God will give physical strength through supernatural means.
- Be confident in God’s sovereignty. On the island of Malta, Paul did not panic even though he was bitten by a poisonous snake, but merely shook it off. After a long cruise, Paul finally arrived at Rome, where “Paul thanked God and took courage”. Paul had full confidence in God throughout the entire journey, actively doing what was right and responsible. However, he was not devoid of feelings as a human, evident when he “took courage” when he arrived in Rome. Paul’s confidence also did not lead to indifference, because he remembered to thank God for keeping His promises.
Praying the Scripture
- Many Christians have a wrong understanding of God’s sovereignty versus man’s responsibility. For example, there are false-teachers who claim that Christians suffering from illnesses should not take any medication because that shows a lack of faith in God’s supernatural power to heal. Pray that we will live responsibly under God’s sovereignty, and take care of ourselves physically so that we can do the spiritual work that God commanded us to do.
- Not being thankful is a character of unbelievers (Rom. 1:21). Paul had full confidence in God, evident from his actions and words during the storm and the shipwreck. When Paul arrived in Rome, he remembered to thank God, which is acknowledging God’s sovereignty in his life. Pray that we will live confidently in God’s sovereignty, remembering to count our blessings and thank God, and not with indifference.
- 在神的主权里尽责。船上的人连续14天没有进食,因此开始疲惫乏力。保罗掰饼吃,并劝勉众人吃饭,以恢复体力。神有主权并不表示人无需照顾自己的身体,叫他能行主的旨意。若以为神会藉着超然的途径给予人体力,便是无知的。
- 在神的主权里确信。在马耳他岛上,即便被毒蛇咬了,保罗也不慌张,仅将蛇甩开。经过漫长的航行后,保罗终于抵达罗马,并“感谢神,放心壮胆”。保罗在全行中充分相信神,且积极行正确的事,负起当担的责任。然而,他并不是毫无感情的机器人;我们从他到达罗马后“放心壮胆”可以看出。保罗对神的信心并没使他对周遭的事漠不关心,因为他记得为神守应许而感谢神。
- 许多基督徒对神的主权与人的责任有错误的了解。例如,有假教师声明患病的信徒不当服药,因为这是对神缺乏信心的表现,以为神没有超然医治的能力。祷告我们在神的主权下能尽责生活,并好好照顾自己的身体,叫我们能行神所吩咐我们的属灵工作。
- 缺乏感恩之心是非信徒的其中一个特征(罗1:21)。从保罗在风暴及海难中的言行举止,我们可以看出保罗充分地信神。当保罗抵挡了罗马,他不忘感谢神,即承认神在他生命中的主权。祈求我们会在神的主权里自信地生活,并记得数算我们的恩典,要感谢神,而不是冷淡对待一切。