Scripture Reading : Jeremiah 25
Theme : Judgement through Babylonian Conquest
Seventy Years of Captivity (1-14)
God had been patiently warning the Jews for 23 years through Jeremiah. But they would not listen, but continued to provoke God to anger. Therefore, God will exile them to Babylon for 70 years.
Judgement on Israel and Surrounding Nations (15-38).
God prophesies judgement on all the nations in the Middle East, beginning with Israel because they sinned the greatest since they are the most privileged. God will use Babylon to judge all of Middle East, including the mighty Egyptian Empire. But afterward, God will also judge Babylon for its sins. In this fallen world, God’s uses fallen instruments (like Babylon) to judge fallen instruments (like Israel and other nations), but this kind of judgement will end when God uses a perfection instrument (the Messiah) to judge fallen instruments.
Praying the Scripture
God is patient but His patience does not last forever. Many non-believers do not have reverent fear toward God, but presume on His patience and think judgement will never come. The Jews sinfully presumed on God’s patience and at the end they were destroyed. Pray that you will not be like these Jews by presuming on God’s patience. If you are convicted of sin, repent now.
神有忍耐,但是祂的耐心不会永远持续。非信徒对神没有敬畏之心,对神的耐心持着自以为是的态度,并对将来的审判漠然置之 。犹太人就是因此而最终被毁灭了。祷告你不会象这些犹太人一样。倘若你觉得自己有罪, 赶紧向神认罪悔改吧。