14 Mar 2017, Acts 6:1-7 使徒行传 6:1-7, The Management of the Church 教会的管理

Scripture Reading        : Acts 6:1-7

Theme                            : The Management of the Church


  1. The issue facing the church. The Hellenist were Greek speaking Jews who lived outside Palestine after the Babylonian exile (known as the “Diaspora”). The Hellenists adopted Greek culture, leading Palestinian Jews (the Hebrews) to view them with suspicion. Because of this tension, the Hellenists believed that their widows were not given an adequate distribution of food by the church.
  1. The instruction to the church. The Apostles’ first priority was in “preaching the Word of God”, rather than the daily administration of the church. The Apostles instructed the church to choose godly men who would be appointed to take care of the physical needs of the Hellenistic widows. The word translated “serve” is the Greek word “diakone”, from which the office of deacon was later derived. However, at this time, it was not a permanent establishment of the office of deacon. Note that the authority to appoint these men rested in the Apostles (v3).
  1. The implementation of the church. The church submitted to the Apostles’ instructions, and they chose godly men whom they set before the Apostles for their appointment. All seven chosen men had Greek names, indicating that they belonged to the Hellenists. This was done out of love and to maintain unity, since the issue was the neglect of the Hellenistic widows. Because the church was united and submitted to the authority of the Apostles, they could be devoted to preaching the Word of God, resulting in great spiritual growth of the church (v7).


Praying the Scripture

  1. Galatians 3:28 “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” May we pray that our church will be united and looking after one another’s needs without discrimination.                                                           
  1. Let us pray for our church, that there will be godly men who will assist the elders in administrative matters, so that the elders can be devoted “to prayer and to the ministry of the Word.”
  1. Pray that our church will be united and the congregation submit to the elders. In this way, every individual believer in the church can grow spiritually, and the church on the whole can also grow, when the elders can be devoted to preaching the Word of God.




  1. 教会所面对的问题。那些说希腊话的犹太人是在巴比伦的放逐后居住在巴勒斯坦以外的。他们已经采纳了希腊文化,导致巴勒斯坦的犹太人(或“希伯来人”)对他们存疑虑。那说希腊话的犹太人相信他们的寡妇是因着这个矛盾而被教会忽略,在天天的供给上没得到足够的食物。
  1. 教会所得到的指示。众使徒的首要任务是传神的道,不是管理教会日常的行政。使徒们指示教会要选出七位敬虔的人;他们将被委任照料说希腊话的犹太人寡妇的物质需要。文中“管理”的希腊原文是“diakone”,而日后执事(deacon)的职分乃起源于此。即便如此,他们并不是这这时候创立执事这职分的。请留意到委任这些人的权柄是在于众使徒的(3节)。
  1. 教会所采取的行动。教会顺服了使徒的指示,选出七位敬虔的人,把他们带到使徒面前受使徒们的委任。这七人都有希腊名,表示他们也属说希腊话的犹太人。这举动是出于爱心,也为持守合一,因为问题是因疏忽他们的寡妇所造成的。由于教会是合一的,并顺服使徒的权柄,所以使徒能专心传道,使得教会有很大的灵性成长(7节)。



  1. 加拉太书3:28:“(信徒)并不分犹太人、希腊人,自主的、为奴的,或男或女,因为你们在基督耶稣里都成为一了。”祈求我们的教会能合一,不带偏见,照顾彼此的需要。
  1. 让我们为教会祷告,叫敬虔之人能在行政之事上协助长老,好让长老们能“专心以祈祷、传道为事”。
  1. 祈求我们的教会能合一,会众也能顺服长老。这样,当长老们能专心传道,教会中的每一位信徒都能在灵命中成长,使得教会整体也能成长。