20 Mar 2018, Gen 50 创50章, Three Burials 三个葬礼

Scripture Reading        : Gen 50

Theme                             : Three Burials


Three burials are mentioned in this final chapter of Genesis, and each is significant.

Burying a beloved father.

It is instructive to contrast the simple Jewish funerals with the elaborate burial customs of the Egyptians. There is certainly nothing wrong with caring for the body and expressing grief, so long as we keep things in perspective. Jacob died in faith and was a pilgrim to the very end (Heb. 11:21). He started with his staff and ended with his staff (32:10; 1 Tim. 6:6).

Burying the past.

Joseph’s brothers did not really believe that Joseph had forgiven them, even though they had heard his words, seen his tears, felt his kisses, and received his gifts (45:1–15). Like the prodigal son, they offered to work their way into his favor (Luke 15:19). Their attitude grieved Joseph, who had endured so much for them, just as we grieve our Lord when we doubt His forgiveness and love (Rom. 8:31–39).

Burying a devoted brother.

Like his father, Joseph knew what he believed and where he belonged. If we consider all the difficulties he had experienced in life, it is remarkable that Joseph had any faith at all. He knew God’s promise to Abraham that the nation would be delivered from Egypt (15:12–16), and he reiterated that promise to his family. Joseph had brought them to Egypt and cared for them in Egypt. His coffin reminded them that God would bring them out of Egypt. What an encouragement that was during the dark days of their bondage. Our encouragement today is not a coffin but an empty tomb (1 Pet. 1:3ff.). [1]


Praying the Scripture

  1. Jacob’s “last witness and testimony” was a beautiful revelation of the gracious Lord who had cared for His servant for so many years (48:15). When Jacob knew that his days were numbered, he wanted to be sure that he would be buried in the Promised Land and not in Egypt.  Like Jacob, Joseph’s last concern was for his sons to bury him in the cave of Machpelah to which the Lord gave the land to Abraham (Gen. 23). Joseph was truly a pilgrim to the very end of his life. Do we know where we belong (Phil 3:20)?
  1. The second burial was the burial of the past. Forgiveness is to let go and not to remember the past. Joseph not only forgave his brothers, but he also assured them of his constant care. “I will nourish you, and your little ones” (Gen. 50:21). He gave them homes to live in, work to do, food to eat and provision for their needs. Once again, we see here a picture of our Savior, who promises never to leave us or forsake us (Matt. 28:20; John 6:37; 10:27–29; Heb. 13:5–6) and to meet our every need (Rom. 8:32; Phil. 4:19). Are you willing to forgive your brothers?

[1] Warren W. Wiersbe, With the Word Bible Commentary (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1991), Ge 50:1.







能够识别简单的犹太葬礼和夸张奢侈的埃及葬礼是非常具有教育性的。对身体的尊重和表达自己的悲痛,肯定是没有什么不妥的,只要我们对事物保持正确的看法。雅各在信心里去世,由始至终都是一个旅居者(希11:21)。他以杖开始,也以杖结束(32:10;前提 6:6)。









  1. 雅各“最后的见证”述说着那位多年照顾仆人,而且满有恩典的神(48:15)。当雅各知道自己的日子不多时,他要确保自己将被葬在应许之地而不是埃及。约瑟也是一样,他最所关心的是要儿子把自己埋葬在麦比拉洞,主所应许亚伯拉罕的土地(创23)。约瑟到最后仍然是一位真正的旅居者。你知道自己真正的归属吗(腓3:20)?
  1. 第二葬礼是“过去”的埋葬。宽恕是放下,同时不再回想过去。约瑟不仅原谅了他的兄弟,但他也向他们保证,他将不间断的照料他们。 “现在你们不要害怕,我必养活你们和你们的妇人孩子”(创50:21)。他给他们地方的住、给他们工作做、给他们食物吃、并提供他们所需的一切。再次,这也代表了我们的救主,那应许我们永远也不离开或离弃,并满足我们一切所需的主(太28:20,约6:37;10:27-29;希13:5-6),(罗马书8:32;腓4:19)。你愿意原谅你的弟兄姊妹吗?