24 Apr 2017, Acts 使徒行传 28:16-31; 1:8: Proclaiming the Gospel 传扬福音

Scripture Reading        : Acts 28:16-31; Acts 1:8

Theme                         : Proclaiming the Gospel


  1. Gospel presented to the Jews. When Paul arrived in Rome, he met the Jews who were there, and once again, he preached the Gospel to the Jews who were in Rome. As was Paul’s custom, he expounded the Old Testament Scriptures to prove that Jesus is the promised Messiah.
  1. Gospel presented to the Gentiles. When many of the Jews rejected the Gospel message, Paul declared to them that the Gospel would be preached to the Gentiles, and he did so for the next two years as he awaited for his trial before Caesar. Paul was placed under house-arrest, and was not in a prison cell (28:16), so that he could preach the Gospel freely to those came to him.
  1. Gospel presented to the world. The Book of Acts ended abruptly at chapter 28. From one perspective, it was because the author, Luke, wrote Acts before Paul was released from this first imprisonment. According to tradition, Paul was released from this imprisonment, but was arrested again and martyred after a few years due to the persecution led by Emperor Nero. From another perspective, it is because the spread of the Gospel continues to this very day, in fulfilment of Acts 1:8, when the church continues the work of evangelism until Christ comes again.



Praying the Scripture

  1. Whenever Paul had opportunity, he would preach the Gospel to everyone, whether they were Jews or Gentiles. Paul did not wait for people to be ready. Pray that we too will seize every opportunity to preach the Gospel.
  1. After the Jews rejected the Gospel, this message of salvation “has been sent to the Gentiles” (28:29). Thank and praise God for having mercy on us, who are Gentiles, such that the message of salvation is also given to us.
  1. Pray that we will fulfil the Great Commission (Matt. 28:18-20) and continue bringing the Gospel “to the end of the earth” (Acts 1:8).




  1. 向犹太人传福音。当保罗抵达罗马后,他与那里的犹太人会合,并再一次向罗马的犹太人传福音。保罗依照他的习惯,讲解旧约经文,证明耶稣是那位应许的弥赛亚。
  1. 向外邦人传福音。当许多犹太人拒绝福音信息时,保罗向他们宣告福音从此将传给外邦人,而在等待凯撒审讯的那两年,他便这么做。保罗是被软禁,不在牢房里(28:16),所以他能向凡前来探访的人自由地向他们传福音。
  1. 向世界传福音。使徒行传在第28章突然结束;其原因之一是因为作者路加是在保罗首次下监后被释放之前写的。根据传统,保罗虽然在这次的软禁中得着释放,但他过了几年又再次被捉,并在尼禄王为首的逼迫中殉道。其二是因为福音的传扬延续至今,从而应验使徒行传1:8——教会会一直延续传福音的工作,直至基督再来。


  1. 每当保罗一有机会,他便会向所有的人传福音,不论他们是犹太人或者是外邦人。保罗并没有等待人先做好预备。祈求我们也会把握每一个机会向人传福音。
  1. 犹太人拒绝福音后,得救的信息便“传给外邦人”(28:28)。感谢并赞美神怜悯我们这些外邦人,使福音的信息也将至于我们。
  1. 祷告我们能实现大使命(太28:18-20),继续把福音传至地极(使1:8)。