Scripture Reading : Jeremiah 26
Theme : Jeremiah Threatened with Death
Warning of Judgement (1-15)
The event in this chapter occurred during the time of the temple address in chapter 7. God prophesies desolation for Jerusalem if they do not repent. Predictions of divine judgment are conditional. The true repentance of the people of Judah at any time before the hour of doom would have been met by God’s willingness to relent from his threatened punishment. However, instead of repenting, they tried to kill the messenger, Jeremiah. This clearly showed they were unrepentant. In the face of death, Jeremiah courageously defended the authenticity of his message.
Jeremiah’s Life Spared (16-24).
Upon hearing Jeremiah’s defense, the civil officials and the people decided against the priests and the prophets, who had wanted to kill Jeremiah, and freed Jeremiah. Some elders of Israel, those who were advanced in age and whose words were taken seriously, supported Jeremiah by showing his message concurred with the prophet Micah, who had lived a century ago (Micah 3:12). Hezekiah listened to Micah and was delivered by God, but Jehoiakim did not listen to God but killed His messenger, Uriah. Jehoiakim was not delivered by God but was exiled. Ahikam was a civil leader under Josiah. God used Ahikam’s influence to secure Jeremiah’s freedom.
Praying the Scripture
Jeremiah had many weaknesses, but he trusted God and was strengthened by Him. At the end, he courageously proclaimed God’s word. Pray that you will be like Jeremiah. Even with all your weaknesses, if you trust in God and depend on Him, God will strengthen you and enable you to stand and serve Him.