Scripture Reading : Hebrews 8
Theme : Superiority of Jesus’ Covenant over the Old Covenant
- Superior promises. In the Old Mosaic Covenant, human priests offered sacrifices to God, but these rituals were “a copy and shadow of the heavenly things.” (Hebrews 8:5) On the other hand, Jesus’ covenant (the New Covenant – Hebrews 8:8) is “much more excellent than the old”, because it is “enacted on better promises.” The better promises here refer to the promises God made to Jesus in Hebrews 7. For example, Jesus’ New Covenant is permanent, while the Mosaic Covenant was only temporal.
- Superintended by God. Hebrews 8:8-12 is a direct quotation from Jeremiah 31:31-34. The Mosaic Covenant was based on temporal and external rituals, while the New Covenant of Christ is personally fulfilled by God in the hearts of man. The New Covenant is in contrast with Deuteronomy 6:6-9, where the Israelites were to teach their children the law, and write the law on doorposts, etc. In the New Covenant, God will write His law on the hearts of man, and they will no longer need anyone to teach them, because “they shall all know” God.
- Supercedes the Old Covenant. With the coming of Son of God, His death and resurrection, Jesus Christ has inaugurated the New Covenant. He fulfilled the requirements of the Law perfectly, and with it introduced a new law (Hebrews 7:12). The New Covenant of Jesus Christ has replaced the old Mosaic Covenant. This is the reason that Christians need not obey the Mosaic Law any longer.
Praying the Scripture
- The Old Testament Law only served as “a copy and shadow of the heavenly things.” (Hebrews 8:5) Jesus comes from heaven, and is now “seated at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in heaven”. Let us thank God that He has revealed to us the New Covenant that is founded by Jesus.
- In Deuteronomy 6:6-9, it is the responsibility of man to remember God’s law and teach it to their children. But in the New Covenant, God is the one who writes the Law in our hearts. Let us thank God for being merciful towards our iniquities, and for remembering our sins no more (Hebrews 8:12).
- Let us thank God for the New Covenant, which is better than the old Mosaic Covenant, such that we do not need to observe the Mosaic Law any more. Pray that we will not return to “a foundation of dead works… and of instruction about washings.” (Hebrews 6:1-2)
- 更高的应许。在摩西旧约中,人类祭司向神献祭,但那些仪式仅是“天上事的形状和影像”(5节)。但是,耶稣的约(即新约——8节)“是更美的”,因为它“是凭更美之应许立的”。这所指的就是神在希伯来书第七章向耶稣所立的应许。例如,耶稣的新约是永恒的,可摩西之约只是暂时的。
- 神亲自监督。希伯来书8:8-12是耶利米书31:31-34的直接引语。摩西之约是由短暂及外在的仪式组成,但基督的新约是由神在人心上亲自成就的。新约与申命记6:6-9有别;旧约的以色列人要教导儿女律法,并将律法写在门框上,等。在新约中,神会将祂的律法写在人心上,而他们也无需各人的教导,因为他们“都必认识”神。
- 超越旧约的。当神之子降临,死又复活后,耶稣基督便创立了新约。祂完全成全了律法的要求,也随之立了一个新律法(7:12)。耶稣基督的新约已取代了旧的摩西之约。这就是为什么基督徒不再需要遵守摩西律法了。
- 旧约律法“供奉的事本是天上事的形状和影像”(来8:5)。耶稣是从天上来的,如今“已经坐在天上至大者的宝座右边”。让我们感谢神向我们启示耶稣所创立的新约。
- 申命记6:6-9告诉我们,人的职责是要纪念神的律法,并将此教训儿女。但在新约中,神却将律法写在我们心上。让我们感谢神怜悯我们的罪恶过犯,并不再纪念我们的罪愆(12节)。
- 让我们为着超过摩西旧约的新约感谢神,叫我们无须再遵守摩西律法。求我们不会回去立那懊悔死行的根基,并各样的洗礼(6:1-2)。