Scripture Reading : Jeremiah 28
Theme : Hananiah the False Prophet
This chapter goes into detail what false prophets are saying in order to contradict God’s word through Jeremiah. Hananiah the false prophet claims that God will break the yoke of Babylon within two years and return the exiles to Israel. We do not know all the reasons why Hananiah did this, perhaps one reason is to cheer people up and motivate them, much like motivational speakers today, who are filled with platitudes of self-confidence. Jeremiah appeals to history in order to dissuade the crowd from listing to Hananiah. His message is the same as prophets of old. But Hananiah forcefully breaks Jeremiah’s yoke in order to get people’s attention. God warns Hananiah that his message will bring an iron yoke upon Israel instead of a wooden one that he broke. This means by listening to Hananiah, the Jews will suffer even more when Babylon comes to quell their rebellion. For Hananiah’s treacherous sin, God kills him within a year.
Praying the Scripture
- There is nothing wrong with motivating people, God tries to motivate us all the time. But motivation that is based on lies will only exacerbate and accelerate disaster. Pray that when you hear preachers preach, make sure you do not judge the message based on your feeling, but judge the message based on the truth: the Bible.
- Putting on a yoke means to submit and recognize the master’s authority. Jesus says that sinners are burdened because they do not submit and recognize His authority (Matt. 11:28). By rejecting God’s yoke and doing whatever you want, you will only bring disaster in the future, even though it may feel good for a few years. Disaster will always follow, if not in this lifetime, it will come when you die and are judged by God in hell. True life, peace and joy come from submitting to Jesus and learn to be like Him in His character of gentleness, humility, and righteousness (Matt. 11:29). Pray you will put on Jesus’ yoke gladly and joyfully submit to His loving lordship.
- 激励人心并没有错;神也常常试着激励我们。然而,建于谎言之上的鼓励只会促进祸害,并将之恶化。祷告当你听道时,你不会按自己的感受论断信息,乃根据圣经的真理作出判断。
- 负轭意味着顺服与承认主人的权柄。耶稣说罪人因为没有顺服与承认祂的权柄,所以劳苦重担(太11:28)。拒绝神的轭并做自己想做的事的,即便几年后仍自我感觉良好,最后必然招致祸害。祸害将会一直跟随你;若不是今生,离世后也要在地狱受到神的审判。真正的生命、平安与喜乐源于顺服耶稣,并学习效仿祂柔和、谦卑与公义的品性(太11:29)。祷告你会乐意地负上耶稣的轭并喜乐地顺服于祂慈爱的主权。