18 Mar 2013, Hebrews 希伯来书 10:1-18: Superiority of Jesus Christ over Old Testament Sacrifices 耶稣基督超过旧约祭物

Scripture Reading        : Hebrews 10:1-18

Theme                       : Superiority of Jesus Christ over Old Testament Sacrifices


In Hebrews 10:1-18, the author further explains why Jesus’ sacrifice is superior over Old Testament sacrifices.

  1. Christ’s sacrifice is singular. The need for repeated sacrifices reminded the Israelites that they are sinners and can never please God. Therefore, the Old Testament sacrifices were only a symbol of the ultimate sacrifice that Jesus would make. On the other hand, when Jesus died on the cross, He “offered for all time a single sacrifice for sins” (Hebrews 10:12), and there is no longer any need to for Jesus to repeat His sacrifice.
  1. Christ’s sacrifice sanctifies. The sacrifices in the Old Testament did not remove the sins of the Israelites. On the other hand, when Jesus died on the cross, “by a single sacrifice He has perfected for all time those who are being sanctified” (Hebrews 10:14). “Those who are being sanctified” refers to those who acknowledge their sins, repent, and trust in Jesus. These are true believers in Jesus, who would live holy lives in order to glorify Jesus.
  1. Christ’s sacrifice saves. When the sins of a person are not taken away, the sinner stands guilty before God, the righteous judge who will judge sinners. However, because of Christ’s sacrifice for those who trust in Him, He has also perfected and sanctified them. Because of that, God will “remember their sins and their lawless deeds no more” (Hebrews 10:17). Christ’s sacrifice obtained forgiveness for sinners, and they shall be saved from judgment in the eternal fire of hell.


Praying the Scripture

  1. Jesus is God, who is holy, sinless and infinite. Because of that, He only needs to offer Himself once, and that is sufficient to save sinners of all ages. Let us thank God that what Jesus did on the cross more than 2 thousand years ago is still sufficient to save us today.
  1. Let us pray that we will be resolved to live sanctified lives, striving against sin, so that we will prove to be true followers of Jesus, who have been “perfected for all time.”
  1. There is no other way to obtain forgiveness of sins except by the death of Jesus. Let us thank God for His mercy on us (sinners), by providing the way of salvation found only in His Son, Jesus Christ.






  1. 基督献的祭是一次的。以色列人必须持续献祭,叫他们纪念自己是无法喜悦神的罪人。因此,旧约的祭物仅是耶稣最终牺牲的象征。另一方面,当耶稣死在十字架时,祂“献了一次永远的赎罪祭”(12节),所以无需再将自己献上了。
  1. 基督献的祭能洁净人。旧约的祭物并没有除去以色列人的罪。可是,当耶稣死在十字架上时,“因为他一次献祭,便叫那得以成圣的人永远完全”(14节)。“那得以成圣的人”指的是承认罪愆,悔改并信靠耶稣的人。他们是在耶稣里的真信徒,也会为荣耀耶稣过圣洁的生活。
  1. 基督献的祭能拯救人当人的罪没得洁净,他在神面前是有罪的,而公义的神会审判罪人。可是,由于基督为凡信靠祂的人舍命,祂也洁净他们,使他们完全。因于此,神“不再记念他们的罪愆和他们的过犯”(17节)。基督献上的祭使罪人得宽恕,而他们将从永恒之地地狱的审判中得拯救。


  1. 耶稣是神,是圣洁的,无罪的,无限的。因于此,祂只需要将自己一次献上,就足以拯救世世代代的罪人。让我们感谢神,因为耶稣两千多年前在十字架的死仍足够拯救我们今世的罪人。
  1. 让我们祷告我们会立志过圣洁的生活,与罪争战,好证明自己是耶稣的真门徒,是那“永远完全”的人。
  1. 罪是无法得赎的,唯有借着耶稣的死。让我们感谢神在我们(罪人)身上施与的怜悯,借着祂的儿子耶稣基督为我们开拓得救的道路。