18 Mar 2016, Jeremiah 29 耶利米书 29, Jeremiah’s Letter to the Exiles 耶利米给被掳之人的信

Scripture Reading  : Jeremiah 29

Theme                  : Jeremiah’s Letter to the Exiles


Warning against False Prophets (1-23)

Jeremiah writes to the exiles in Babylon, who were taken during the reign of Jehoiachin, about 5 years ago (2 Kgs. 24:10-17). He encourages them to submit to God’s exile and live obediently in Babylon by settling down and serve the Babylonian government. They will not return until 70 years of punishment were over. God warns them to not listen to false prophets who were telling them that their exile will end sooner. God predicts that the next generation of believers will cry out to God with sincere hearts and God will listen to them and return them to Israel. As for those who are left in Israel, they will be destroyed. They are not the blessed ones. Those who are in exile are the blessed ones because God’s plan is to bless them, not harm them.

Judgement on Shemaiah (24-32).

The false prophets in Babylon, including Shemaiah, did not like Jeremiah’s message to the exiles, so he instigated someone in Jerusalem to silence Jeremiah. For Shemaiah’s sins, God promises to destroy him and his family, who of course, are as evil as him. They will not see the blessings that God will bestow on the exiles in the future. God reserves the darkest part of hell for false prophets (2 Pet. 2:17).


Praying the Scripture

Jeremiah 29:11 is one of the most quoted verses on Christian decorations. God only promised these things to the exiled Jews in Babylon. He does not promise a smooth and easy life to all Christians, but He does promise Christ-likeness to all Christians (Rom. 8:28-29), which may involve some turbulence. But rest assure because God can help us through any turbulence. Pray that you do not worship a life of ease, comfort and pleasure, but worship a life that is conformed to the character of Christ, who out of love and faithfulness, suffered and died for us so that He leaves us an example to follow (1 Pet. 2:21).








