Scripture Reading : Acts 9:1-31
Theme : The Transformed Life
The Book of Acts continues the narrative with the conversion of Saul (who used his Roman name, Paul, after his conversion). Recall that the main theme of the entire book is in Acts 1:8, that the Gospel will spread “in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” The conversion of Saul led to the eventual spread of the Gospel to Europe.
- Paul believes in Jesus Christ. While Saul was on his way to Damascus, with the intention of arresting Christians, Jesus appeared to him in a blinding light. Saul was sincerely following what he thought was pleasing to God, by persecuting Christians who were preaching what he thought was contrary to Old Testament teaching. But sincerity alone is not sufficient to please God.
- Paul being baptized into Jesus Christ. After Ananias healed Saul, he also baptized Saul, which signified that Saul was now part of the church of Jesus Christ. Paul would later pen the words in Romans 6:3 – “Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death?”
- Paul begins to preach Jesus Christ. Saul began on his journey to Damascus to persecute Christians, but ended up in Damascus preaching about the resurrected Christ, the Son of God. If there is anyone who knew that Christians would be persecuted for their faith, it would have been Saul, since he was present at the stoning of Stephen, and his previous goal was to ensure that those who professed Christ would be imprisoned. Yet he was not ashamed of his conversion, but boldly proclaimed it.
Praying the Scripture
- Saul had a dramatic conversion experience, but with greater revelation comes greater responsibilities and temptation. Paul later wrote in 2 Corinthians 12:7 “So to keep me from becoming conceited because of the surpassing greatness of the revelations, a thorn was given me in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to harass me, to keep me from becoming conceited.” Paul was given such experiences because Jesus planned “how much he must suffer for the sake of my name” (Acts 9:16). Today, when Charismatics pray for dramatic experiences, they only want the experience, and not the sufferings that come later. Instead of wanting dramatic experiences for ourselves, let us thank God for dramatically converting Saul, so that Saul could bring the Gospel to us, who are also Gentiles.
- When Paul understood the Gospel, repented and believed, he was baptized immediately. Pray that genuine believers in our church who are not baptized yet will obey the Bible and be baptized.
- Paul was not afraid of “losing face” and he was not ashamed of the Gospel. Pray that we too will not fear embarrassment or persecution, but preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to people around us.
- 保罗相信信靠耶稣基督。扫罗本想捉拿基督徒,因而前往大马士革;不料,耶稣途中向他发光,显现自己。扫罗是诚心追寻他误以为是神所喜悦的事,就是逼迫凡他以为是传与旧约教导悖逆的基督徒。然而,单有诚心是不足以讨神喜悦的。
- 保罗受洗归入耶稣基督。亚拿尼亚医治扫罗后,他也为扫罗施洗,表示扫罗从此属耶稣基督教会中的一部分。保罗后来在罗马书6:3写道:“岂不知我们这受洗归入基督耶稣的人,是受洗归入他的死吗?”
- 保罗开始传讲耶稣基督。扫罗起初往大马士革的目的是要捉拿基督徒,但最终在大马士革所做的是传讲神之圣子,那位已复活的基督。扫罗明明知道基督徒或许会因着他们信主而糟害,因为当司提反被石头砸死时,他就在现场,且他原有的目标是要确保凡称基督为主的人都会被捆绑。然而,他并不为信主而感羞耻,反倒大胆宣讲主道。
- 保罗信主的过程非凡,但启示越大,责任越重;所受试探亦如此。保罗后来在哥林多后书12:7写道:“又恐怕我因所得的启示甚大,就过于自高,所以有一根刺加在我肉体上,就是撒旦的差役要攻击我,免得我过于自高。”保罗之所以领受这些启示,是因为耶稣已策划好保罗将“为我的名必须受许多的苦难”(9:16)。如今,当灵恩信徒祈求领受超然的启示时,他们只想要其中的经历,而不是随后的苦难。我们若也想亲身体会那类经历,倒不如感谢神如此使扫罗信主,叫他能把福音传到我们这些也属外邦人的。
- 当保罗明白福音信息,从而悔改并信靠主后,他立即受洗。请为我们教会真实信主但未受洗的人祷告他们会遵守圣经的教导,去受洗。
- 保罗不怕丢面子,也不以福音为耻。祈求我们也能不畏惧耻辱或逼迫,向周遭的人传耶稣基督的福音。