Scripture Reading : Lev 23
Theme : Jewish Festivals
The Sabbath (Lev. 23:1–3)
Sabbath was an important day for the Jewish people, and they were expected to honor it. To dishonor it meant death (Num. 15:32–36
Passover: Christ died for our sins (Lev. 23:4–5)
Passover is Israel’s feast of deliverance and the key passage is Exodus 12. The innocent lamb died for the firstborn; because the blood of the lamb was applied to the door by faith, the firstborn sons were safe. This was “the Lord’s passover” and the only means of deliverance that He provided that awesome night when the death angel visited Egypt. To reject the blood of the lamb was to accept judgment and death.
Unleavened Bread: separation from sin (Lev. 23:6–8)
For seven days following Passover, the Jews ate only unleavened bread with their meals, and they carefully cleansed all the yeast out of their homes (Ex. 12:15–20). Leaven depicts sin. Thus the putting away of leaven illustrates the cleansing of one’s life after he or she has been saved through faith in the blood (2 Cor. 6:14–7:1).
Firstfruits: Christ raised from the dead (Lev. 23:9–14)
The day after the Sabbath that followed Passover, which would be the first day of the week, the priest took the first sheaf of barley from the field and waved it as an offering before the Lord. It was a token that the first and the best belonged to God, and it was done before Israel reaped the harvest for themselves (Ex. 23:19; Neh. 10:34–37; Prov. 3:9). It was also an expression of gratitude to the Lord for giving the harvest and supplying their daily bread.
Pentecost: birthday of the church (Lev. 23:15–21)
This special day was also called “the Feast of Weeks,” because it was celebrated seven weeks after firstfruits. The word “Pentecost” means “fiftieth,” and since the feast was held seven weeks after firstfruits, it too was on the first day of the week, the Lord’s Day. Each Lord’s Day commemorates the resurrection of Christ, the coming of the Spirit, and the birth of the church。
Trumpets: the calling of God’s people (Lev. 23:23–25)
The Feast of Trumpets was held on the first day of the seventh month and ushered in the new civil year (Rosh Hashanah, “the head of the year”). The sacrifices for the Feast of Trumpets are listed in Numbers 29:1–6. The Hebrew word for “seven” comes from a root word that means “to be full, to be satisfied.
The Day of Atonement: forgiveness (Lev. 23:20–32)
Note here the emphasis on the people afflicting their souls (fasting, praying, confessing sin) and abstaining from all work. This is also a prophetic message to the Day of Atonement. After Israel is gathered to her land, the Jews will see their rejected Messiah, repent of their sins (Zech. 12:10–13:1), and be cleansed.
Tabernacles: the joy of the Lord (Lev. 23:33–44)
安息日(利 23:1–3)
逾越节:基督为我们的罪钉死 (利23:4–5)
无酵饼:与罪隔绝 (利23:6–8)
初熟的庄稼:基督从死里复活 (利23:9–14)
五旬节:教会的生日 (利 23:15–21)
吹角:神子民的呼召 (利23:23–25)
赎罪日:饶恕 (利23:20–32)
住棚节:神的喜悦 (利23:33–44)