Scripture Reading : Jeremiah 5
Theme : Judah’s Complete Corruption
Judah Refuses to Repent (1-13)
Judah is incurable. They are completely stubborn. Even physical punishment will not cause them to change. The whole society is corrupted, from the great ones to the lowly ones, from leaders to the very poor. All are filthy. They are bent on sinning. When God feeds them and gives them strength, it only gives them more strength to sin and commit adultery with their neighbors. They also gather false prophets to proclaim message of peace from God, instead of judgment in order to tickle their ears.
Judah will be a Refuse (14-31).
Because of they refuse to repent, they will become a refuse. God will destroy them but He promises not to make a full end of them (v. 18). He will preserve some because He has promised not to destroy Israel completely, but to save them and to bless the world through them. For these people, their judgment will come later, but for the rest they will get what they deserve soon. Judgement will surely come to all unrepentant sinners, but the timing is different for different people.
Praying the Scripture
God’s judgement is fearful. Pray that His judgement will wake up people up from their stupor and help them to see that sin will not pay in the end. We need to faithfully promise judgement and salvation. All idolatry is ugly and deserve an ugly end because to not worship God is like a child disrespecting his parents who have loved him and provided for him. Pray that idolators will understand the seriously and ugliness of their sins.