Scripture Reading : Hebrews 10:19-39
Theme : False vs True Faith
After proving that Jesus Christ is superior over all that the Jews hold dear from the Old Testament (Moses, Sabbath, Mosaic Law, Temple, etc.), the author now turns to show what true faith in Jesus (God) is.
- Practising faith. True faith in Jesus is not inactive or wavering. True followers of Jesus would not be led astray by strange doctrines that are not according to the Bible. They would “hold fast the confession of our hope”, which is the Gospel of Jesus. True followers of Jesus will encourage one another to good works and will meet together frequently.
- Pretentious faith. False believers will sin deliberately, even though they know what the Word of God teaches. In the Old Testament, a man is guilty of the charge if there were two or three witnesses. But the author warns that the one who sins, even without any human witnesses, has “spurned the Son of God” and “outraged the Spirit of grace” (the Holy Spirit). Since God is omnipresent (He is everywhere) and omniscient (He knows everything), He knows all the sins of false believers even without human witnesses.
- Persevering faith. Genuine believers will endure suffering for the sake of the Gospel. This is because their hope is not in this world, knowing that they have “a better possession and an abiding one” (Hebrews 10:34b), which is eternal life in heaven. Those who persevere to the end will please God and “receive what is promised.”
Praying the Scripture
- Some of the practical ways that we can “stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together” are to encourage one another to serve God and the church and also come regularly for prayer meetings, fellowship meals, and gatherings at the homes of brothers and sisters. Let us pray that we will be willing to do all these.
- Many professing Christians give the excuse that “I have no choice”. For example, they may tell lies in their workplace because their bosses tell them to, reasoning that if they do not obey their bosses, they will lose their jobs. Hebrews 10:26-31 warns that such behavior is a sign of false believe. Let us pray for forgiveness if we are guilty of sinning deliberately, and repent from our sins and turn to Jesus and follow Him genuinely.
- Jesus promised that His followers will be persecuted (John 15:20), and “all who desire to live a godly live in Christ Jesus will be persecuted” (2 Tim 3:12). Let us pray that we will persevere in our faith in Jesus even if we are persecuted for the sake of the Gospel, so that we will “receive what is promised.” (Hebrews 10:36b)
- 活出信心。在耶稣里的真信心不是被动或能动摇的。跟从耶稣的真门徒是不会被不符合圣经的新教义偏离正道。他们会“坚守我们所承认的指望”,也就是耶稣的福音。跟从耶稣的真门徒会彼此劝勉行善,并常常聚会。
- 虚假信心。虽然假信徒明知道神的教导是什么,他们仍会刻意犯罪。在旧约中,若有两三个见证人,一人就能被定罪。但是作者警告,若有人犯罪,即便没有见证人,他已“践踏神的儿子”,“又亵慢施恩的圣灵”(圣灵)。既然神是无所不在的,又是无所不知的,即便没有人类见证,祂也晓得所有假信徒的罪孽。
- 坚持的信心。真信徒会为福音的缘故承受苦难。这是因为他们的盼望不在这世界,并“知道自己有更美、长存的家业”(34节),就是在天堂的永生。凡坚持到底的都是神所喜悦的,并“可以得着所应许的”。
- 能“彼此相顾,激发爱心,勉励行善”的实际方式是鼓励彼此事奉神与教会,并常常参与祷告会、团契聚餐与在弟兄姐妹们家中的聚会。让我们祷告我们会愿意行这一切。
- 许多宣称是信徒的,会给予借口说:我没有选择。例如,他们或许选择听从上司的话而在职场上撒谎,然后转而说他们若不听从他们的上司,就会失去工作。希伯来书10:26-31警告我们说这等行为是假信徒的迹象。我们若还在蓄意犯罪,就让我们祈求赦免,并从最终悔改,归向耶稣,真实地跟从祂。
- 耶稣应许祂的门徒必会受到逼迫(约15:20),且“凡立志在基督耶稣里敬虔度日的,也都要受逼迫”(提后3:12)。让我们祷告即便我们为福音的缘故受到逼迫,也要在信心中忍耐,叫我们能“得着所应许的”(36节)。