20 Feb 2016, Jeremiah 6 耶利米书 6, Fall of Jerusalem Foretold 预言耶路撒冷的沦陷

Scripture Reading  : Jeremiah 6

Theme                  : Fall of Jerusalem Foretold


Siege of Jerusalem (1-15)

Even though God intends to destroy Israel, but out of compassion He still warns them to flee for safety when the Babylonian invasion nears. But the people are so stubborn that they will not even heed to God’s warning to flee. The Babylonians will be like shepherds who direct their army to desolate Israel. They will glean Israel like a vine. The Jews are so evil that God is weary of holding His wrath. He does not want to destroy since He is not wrathful by nature, but He must punishment because He is a righteous God who hates evil. No Jew will be spared, from the great ones to the lowly, from the aged to the young because all are corrupted and lust after money.

Cause of Siege (16-30).

The siege will occur because they have departed from the ancient paths of God’s laws and wandered into idolatry, lies, and their own ways. They hurt themselves through their idolatry. Because of their idolatry, none of their outward sacrifices and religious deeds means anything to God. God have sent watchmen, i.e. prophets, to them but they paid no attention. God also sent Jeremiah who is like a tester of metals to test the Jews, but they failed the test by not heeding to God’s word through Jeremiah.



Praying the Scripture

Just as the Jews thought that they will never be judged for their idolatry, so non-believers today think they will never be judged for their idolatry. But just as God’s judgement came upon the Jews, so judgement will sure come upon all who worship idols both outwardly and in their hearts. Take heed to God’s warning against idolatry because it is ugly and shameful. It is as shameful as a child forsaking his parents. Pray that you will get rid of all idols in your heart (1 John 5:21) and urge others to forsake idolatry.







