Scripture Reading : Hebrews 11
Theme : Footsteps of Faith
Having contrasted false and true faith, the author explains further what true faith is.
- Meaning of faith. The author first defines true faith. True faith is to believe and hope for things that we cannot see with our physical eyes. If we can see it already, there really is no need to have faith or hope. One very important aspect of true faith is that we must believe the Word of God to be true (Hebrews 11:3). Therefore, if anyone denies the Word of God, or argues that some parts of it is not true, such a person does not have true faith in God.
- Models of faith. After defining true faith, the author cites the Old Testament examples of faithful people whom the Hebrews would be very familiar with. These models of faith illustrate that true faith is to believe what is unseen, trusting in God’s Word and His promises. Note that the Bible did not commend Rahab for lying, but for her faith. It would be erroneous to conclude that God is pleased with lying.
- Motivation of faith. The motivation behind true faith is God’s promises. There is a virtuous cycle involved here, since true faith is to believe in God’s Word and His promises, things which are not yet seen. We can have faith in God and His Word, simply because He has promised to fulfill them. But this is not a circular argument, because God guaranteed His promises with an oath (Hebrews 6:17b) and “it is impossible for God to lie” (Hebrews 6:18).
Praying the Scripture
- Jesus said to Thomas, “Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” (John 20:29) Let us pray that we will have genuine faith in God, and that we will trust in His Word, even though we cannot see the future.
- Let us pray that we will have the same kind of faith that the Old Testament saints had, and we will obey God just like them, even though the promises were not fulfilled yet.
- Let us pray that we will not doubt God’s character, but trust in Him and the promises He made, because “God is not man, that He should lie.” (Numbers 23:19).
- 信心的意思。作者首先定义何为真信心;真信心就是相信并希望我们肉眼不能看见的事。我们若现在就能看见,便无需有信心或希望了。真信心的一个极为重要的元素就是信神的话为真(3节)。因此,若有人不听从神的话,或争辩某些部分是不真实的,这人在神里面并没有真信心。
- 信心的榜样。定义何为真信心后,作者举出旧约中对神忠心的人——这些人都应该是希伯来人十分熟悉的。这些信心的榜样展现了什么是相信未见的事,及何为信靠神的话与应许。我们或许可留意圣经赞扬的是喇合的信心,而不是她撒谎。我们若总结说神喜悦人撒谎,那便是有误的。
- 信心的动机。真信心背后的动机是神的应许。这里能见一个良性循环,有误真信心是信靠神的话及应许,也就是肉眼不能见的事。我们能对神及祂的话有信心,仅是因为祂应许要成就那一切。然而,这不是一个循环论证,因为神以起誓保障祂必实现应许(6:17),而“神决不能说谎”(6:18)。
- 耶稣向多马说:“你因看见了我才信,那没有看见就信的有福了!”(约20:29)让我们祷告我们虽然看不见未来,却能对神有真信心,并信靠祂的话。
- 让我们祷告我们会与那些旧约圣徒有相同的信心,即便应许未成就,还能像他们一样顺服神。
- 让我们祷告我们不会质疑神的品格,而是信靠祂,相信祂作出的应许,因为“神非人,必不至说谎”(数23:19)。