Scripture Reading : Hebrews 12
Theme : Founder of Faith
After reminding the Hebrews of the faith of their ancestors, the author turns to the ultimate example – Jesus Christ, who is the founder of faith.
- Christ our example. The supreme example that all Christians should look to is our Lord Jesus Christ, who endured the suffering on the cross. Because of His humility, perseverance and faithfulness, He is now “seated at the right hand of the throne of God”, which is the most significant place other than God’s throne itself.
- God our Father. Not only does Christ set an example for Christians to follow, God the Father also disciplines His children (all believers) “for our good, that we may share in His holiness.” Even though God’s discipline may not be pleasant, true Christians have the assurance that God is not a cosmic killjoy, but a loving Father who wants the best for His children.
- God the Judge. Those who do not follow the Lord Jesus as the supreme example are not children of God. They are disobedient because they “reject Him who warns from heaven” (12:25b). When the disobedient sinners reject God, they will be judged like the Israelites in the wilderness, because “God is a consuming fire.” (12:29)
Praying the Scripture
- The author of Hebrews writes that “In your struggle against sin you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood.” (Hebrews 12:4) In other words, we should not consider our struggle against sin as unbearable, since we are not dying because of that. Let us pray that God will grant us the endurance we need to resist sin.
- We must not despise God’s discipline, because He is a loving Father. Let us thank God for disciplining us when we deviate from the righteous path, because God “disciplines us for our good, that we may share in His holiness.” (Hebrews 12:10b)
- If we had despised God’s discipline, we must repent from this sin, and turn to God for forgiveness and accept His discipline with joy, even though it may be unpleasant. Or else, we stand under God’s judgment. Let us pray that we are truly sons of God, and not illegitimate children who will be judged.
- 基督我们的榜样。所有基督徒当仰望的最大榜样是那位承受十架之苦的——我们的主耶稣基督。因着祂的谦卑、忍耐和信实,祂如今“坐在神宝座的右边”,也就是神宝座以外最大的位置。
- 神我们的父。基督不但为基督徒立下他们当效法的榜样,父神也会管教祂所有的儿女(所有信徒),叫“我们得益处,使我们在他的圣洁上有份”。虽然神的管教不一定好受,但真信徒晓得神并不会刻意抹杀喜悦,而是一位凡事要祂所有儿女得利的慈爱天父。
- 作审判官的神。凡不效法主耶稣为最大榜样的也不是神的儿女。他们是悖逆的,因为他们“违背那从天上警戒我们的”(25节)。当悖逆的罪人拒绝神时,他们会同在旷野中受审判的以色列人一样,“因为我们的神乃是烈火”(29节)。
- 希伯来书的作者写道:你们与罪恶相争,还没有抵挡到流血的地步(4节)。换言之,我们不当认为自己与罪的挣扎是无可忍受的,因为我们还不至于会死。让我们祷告神会赐下我们抵挡罪时所需的忍耐。
- 我们不当厌弃神的管教,因为祂是个慈爱的天父。让我们感谢神在我们偏离正道时管教施与管教,因为神“是要我们得益处,使我们在他的圣洁上有份”(10节)。
- 我们若厌弃神的管教,我们就当从这罪中悔改,转向神求赦免,并欢欣地接受祂的管教,纵容那并不好受。否则,我们会受到神的审判。让我们求作神的真儿女,而不是日后会受到审判的私生子。