21 Mar 2017, Acts 11:1-30 使徒行传 11:1-30, The Beginning of the Gentile Church 外邦教会的开端

Scripture Reading        : Acts 11:1-30

Theme                            : The Beginning of the Gentile Church


  1. The vision of the Gentile church. When Peter was accused of associating with Gentiles, Peter recounted his vision to the church in Jerusalem, proving to them that the Gospel is also meant for the Gentiles. Peter’s recount here (which was not mentioned in Acts 10) clearly shows that Cornelius was not saved before he heard the Gospel. Because of God’s mercy and grace, God sent Peter to preach the Gospel to Cornelius that he might be saved (11:14).
  1. The conformation of the Gentile church. The best testimony that the Gospel has also come to the Gentiles is the coming of the Holy Spirit to the Gentiles. Through the coming of the Holy Spirit, the Gentiles are now brought into the common salvation through Jesus Christ, together with the Jews. This is the “mystery of the church” (Ephesians 3:1-6).
  1. The strengthening of the Gentile church. The church in Jerusalem sent Barnabas to Antioch, where he encouraged the believers to be steadfast. Barnabas also found Saul, who returned to Tarsus after leaving Jerusalem when the Jews plotted to kill him (Acts 9:26-30). Together, Saul (Paul) and Barnabas taught the believers and strengthened the church.
  1. The testimony of the Gentile church. Antioch was a major pagan metropolis and was the centre of major trade routes, making it a prosperous city. Persecution of the Gentile church had not started yet, but the church in Jerusalem was already facing persecution (Acts 8:1). When news came to the church in Antioch that there will be a famine throughout the world, including Jerusalem, the church in Antioch sent relief to the church in Jerusalem.


Praying the Scripture

  1. Without the Gospel message, no one can be saved. Gentiles who may sincerely seek for God (like Cornelius) would do so in vain, unless they hear the Gospel. Let us thank God for giving us the Gospel, and pray that we will boldly share the Gospel with others.
  1. The purpose of the church is not only to evangelize, but also to equip the saints. Paul and Barnabas did that when they taught the church in Antioch for 1 year. Pray for our elders and pastors, that they will faithfully feed the sheep by teaching them the Word of God.
  1. We must not be inward looking as a church, but be willing to help other true churches of Jesus Christ who may be in need. Let us pray that we will be generous in giving our resources to the local church to help other Christians.




  1. 外邦教会的异象当彼得被控告他与外邦人有交往时,彼得便向耶路撒冷教会详细复述他所看见的异象,藉此向他们见证福音也是为外邦人所预备的。彼得在这里的复述(使徒行传10并未提及)清楚显示哥尼流在听到福音之前尚未悔改得救。因着神的怜悯和恩典,祂差遣彼得向他传讲福音,让他藉以蒙拯救(11:14)。
  1. 外邦教会的一致神的救恩临到外邦人的最佳见证就是圣灵在外邦信徒身上的降临。藉着圣灵的降临,外邦人如今与犹太人同靠耶稣基督得着同一个救赎。这就是“教会的奥秘”了(以弗所书3:1-6)。
  1. 外邦教会的建立耶路撒冷教会差派巴拿巴前去安提阿教会,勉励他们在信心上坚固。之后,他把逃避耶路撒冷犹太人的追杀而回到大数的扫罗(保罗)找来(9:6-30),二人便一同在安提阿教会教导信徒,建立教会。
  1. 外邦教会的见证由于安提阿是异教徒的主要城市,又是商贸易的重要通道,所以安提阿是一个繁荣富裕的城市。外邦教会这时还未尝到逼迫之苦,但耶路撒冷的教会已经为信仰面临大迫害(8:1)。当安提阿教会得知天下,包括耶路撒冷,将会有大饥荒,教会信徒便定意捐款救济耶路撒冷的教会。


  1. 没有福音,无人能得救。即便外邦人万份诚恳地寻找神(像哥尼流),那也是枉然的,除非他们听到福音。让我们为所得到的福音向神感恩,并祈求我们会勇敢地向人宣扬福音。
  1. 教会的目的不仅是传福音,还要装备信徒。保罗与巴拿巴在安提阿教会教导信徒长达一年,正是为此。让我们为教会的牧师和长老们祷告,祈求他们能忠心教导神的话,喂养羊群。
  1. 我们切不可只关注自己的教会;对凡属耶稣基督的教会,若他们有需要,我们也应该随时伸出援手。祈求我们能慷慨地向地方教会分享资源,以助其他信徒。