22 Sep 2015, Micah 弥迦书 5, The Coming Reign of the Messiah 弥赛亚将来的统治

Scripture Reading   : Micah 5

Theme                    : The Coming Reign of the Messiah


Jesus’ First and Second Coming (1-6). This is one of the most detailed prophecies about Jesus’ first and second coming sewn into one passage. God calls Jerusalem to muster its troops for the coming attack in the end times, but God will raise the Messiah from Bethlehem to defend Jerusalem (Matt. 2:6). But His first coming is thousands of years before these end times events. In v. 3, the Messiah will not be with Israel until she, Israel, gives birth to Jesus, then during His second coming He will gather His brothers, i.e. Israel from the end time exile (Rev. 12:5-6). During the end times, the Assyrian (singular person not plural, see v. 6 he comes into our land) will lead the nations to attack Israel. We believe this Assyrian is not representing the nations in general, but is the antichrist (Rev. 13:1-18). But Jesus will destroy this Assyrian antichrist during his second coming. Those who trust in God do not need to fear, but those who do not trust God must fear God and then take refuge in Him.

Victory and Defeat (7-15). Here God reverses His typical order of defeat and victory. Usually, prophecies will first depict the sins of Israel and God’s judgment, then depict the salvation of Israel and their victory, but the order is reversed here. Victory of the remnants is depicted in vv. 7-9, defeat is depicted in vv. 10-15. Both defeat and victory will occur in the end times.

Praying the Scripture

  1. Just as God faithfully and sovereignly fulfill His promise about the first coming of Christ, so He will faithfully fulfill His promise about the second coming of Christ. May we long for His glorious return and all the glorious things that the Messiah will bring. He will cast off all civil evil. There will be no more human trafficking, no gangsters, no theft, no murder. It will be a paradise, not wrought by human hands, but by divine hands. All who trust in Him will receive this paradise and heaven forever. May we look forward to it and make our lives count for this eternal glory.
  1. God’s word is amazing and can be fully trusted. All the fulfilled prophecies in the Bible testifies to the divine quality of the Bible. Let us forsake all evil so that we do not deceive ourselves and wander into unbelief. Immorality always lead to heresy and unbelief, just as the Jews’ immorality led them to heresy and unbelief and are destroyed. May we be always be alert to our spiritual health.







  1. 神的信实与权柄应验了祂对基督首次降临的应许,所以祂也必然因信实应验对基督二次降临的应许。愿我们渴望弥赛亚荣耀的归来,并祂将带来的一切荣耀之事。祂会摒除所有民间罪恶。世界不会再有人口贩卖、流氓、偷窃与谋杀了。那是天堂,但不是人手所造,而是神所建立的。凡信靠祂的必然领受这天堂,永享天境。愿我们渴望这一刻的临到,并为这永恒的荣耀活出有价值的生命。
  1. 神的话很奇妙,也很可靠。圣经里所有得应验的预言都为圣经的神圣性作见证。让我们离弃一切罪恶,叫我们不会欺骗自己,以致不信神。道德的败坏必然产生异端,接着是不信,而这一切将被摧毁。愿我们对自己的灵性健康总是保持警醒。