Scripture Reading : Genesis 2
Theme : God’s Instructions
Now we are given the details concerning the creation of man and woman and their place in God’s plan. This account does not contradict chapter 1; it complements it. We see the man involved in several activities.
Resting (1–3).
God’s rest was the rest of completion, not the rest of exhaustion, for God never gets weary (Ps. 121:4). Adam must have rested also, fellowshiped with the Lord and worshiped Him. The seventh day, the Sabbath, became a sign to Israel that they were God’s special people (Exod. 31:13–17). It is also a symbol of the eternal rest God’s people will have with Him (Heb. 4:9–11).
Working (4–15).
Rest and work must be in balance. Human history involves three gardens: the Garden of Eden, where man took of the tree and sinned; the Garden of Gethsemane, where the Savior took the cup and went to the tree to die for our sins; and the “garden city” of glory where God will take all His children to live forever (Rev. 21–22).
Work is not a curse. God gave Adam the task of guarding the Garden and tilling it. It was a fulfilling ministry for him. Man and God must work together to produce the harvest. St. Augustine said, “Pray as though everything depended on God, and work as though everything depended on you.”
Naming (18–25).
Man’s naming the animals was a part of his “dominion” as the head of creation (1:26–28). He lost this dominion because of sin (Ps. 8), but we have regained it through Christ (Heb. 2:5ff.).
Adam also named his mate; he called her “Woman.” Later, he would call her “Eve.” God established marriage to meet man’s need for companionship (2:18) and to provide for the rearing of children (1:28). In addition it served as a picture of Christ and His church (Eph. 5:25–32). Adam gave of himself for his bride, and Jesus gave of Himself for His bride (John 19:31–37).
Praying the Scripture
- Work and rest are both good and both are ordained by God. Let us pray that we glorify God not only through our rest but also through our work.
- Since the Lord created his creatures, He has the right to set the limit of their lives and instruct them on what is good and what is evil. Let’s pray that we humble ourselves and follow His instructions.
- Let us thank God for giving us a companion and marriage, so that we can have a family and enjoy the love of father, mother, brothers and sisters.
人类的历史上涉及三个花园:伊甸园 – 亚当与夏娃曾经吃神所吩咐不可吃的果子而犯罪堕落的花园;客西马尼园 – 救主拿起杯来为我们的罪钉死十架上的花园和充满神荣耀的“城市花园” – 神的儿女永远居住的花园(启21-22)。
顺服 (16–17)
- 工作和休息都是好的,都神所立定的。让我们祷告,不但是我们的工作,同时也过安息来荣耀神。
- 既然神创造万物,那他就有权力为万物设限并给予指导什么是好,什么是恶的。让我们祷告使我们能谦卑并顺从他的指示。
- 我们感谢神赐给我们伴侣和婚姻,以让我们可以有一个家庭和享受父亲、母亲、兄弟姐妹的爱。