24 Nov 2016, Psalm 4 诗篇 4, Prayer for the Weary 疲惫者的祷告

Scripture Reading  : Psalm 4

Theme                      : Prayer for the Weary


Praying according to God’s Righteousness (1).

No matter how much distress you are in, know that God is righteous because He is faithful to help us just as an earthly father would help his children in distress. For all who humbly trust God and seek His righteousness, God will be gracious to the person and give him confidence in Him and rest.

Speaking to the Ungodly (2–5).

The ungodly opposes God’s anointed king, David. To oppose David’s honor is to oppose God’s honor because of the Davidic covenant. For these ungodly people, God speaks to them to know that God has assigned special places for the godly. The ungodly ought to tremble (Hebrew word for angry is often times translated to mean tremble) and not sin. They ought to ponder on God’s truth on their beds and offer right sacrifices to God out of their repentant heart.

Speaking to the Skeptics (6–8).

In times of distress, those who do not see God fulfilling His promise of covenant blessing (i.e., restoration of Israel and the world through the Davidic King) will doubt God. The psalmist encourages the skeptics to have faith. For those who seek God’s righteousness, God will show them His goodness and joy even in times of distress. They will have internal peace, rest and joy because of their confidence in God. In the end, they will live in safety when the Davidic king appears (2 Sam. 7:11-12).


Praying the Scripture

When the world is in chaos, do you doubt God’s promise and goodness? Do not doubt but trust God’s faithfulness and put your hope in God’s coming kingdom, not this sin-filled, satan-controlled world. God can give us strength and joy to endure this broken world (Rom. 8:18), but don’t expect heaven on earth until Jesus returns. Put your faith in His righteous kingdom, and live for it. Pray for your faith in His righteous kingdom to be strengthened and then God will give you confidence that results in internal peace, rest and joy.











