25 Sep 2015, Nahum 那鸿书 1,Divine Character 神圣品格

Scripture Reading   : Nahum 1

Theme                    : Divine Character
Nahum is written circa 626 B.C. He preaches about God’s judgment against Nineveh, the dominate power in the middle east at the time. Nineveh is judged for its pride, violence and harlotry.

Divine Character (1-11). To understand God’s actions, we must first understand the character of God. He is a righteous God who will not acquit the guilty (v.3) and at the same time He is slow to anger, meaning patient (v.3), and He is God good (v.7). He is also jealous, meaning He demands covenant faithfulness just as a husband demands faithfulness from a wife. His glorious character is displayed in Exodus 34:6-7 and is the key to His deal with Israel and the world throughout history. Nineveh is called a harlot in 3:4 because it entered into a covenant relationship with God after the preaching of Jonah (Jonah 3:10), but it became unfaithful by worshipping idols. Therefore, God will destroy her, even though Nineveh is the most powerful nation because God is even more powerful. Their plot against God is in vain. God’s matchless power is exhibited through nature such as whirlwind, storm and mountains.

Divine Sentence (12-14). God refers to Nineveh in the third person plural. Even though they are the mightiest military power, God will still destroy them. This happened in 612 B.C. when Nineveh was conquered by the Babylonians and Medes. In return God will cast away the yoke, the burden, of Nineveh from Judah. In v. 14 God speaks to Nineveh in the second person and sentences Nineveh to destruction because it is vile.

Divine Purpose (15). Another purpose for destroying the oppressive, idolatrous rule of Nineveh is to encourage Judah to be faithful to God by expressing its faithfulness through obeying the OT laws. In the end, God will fully restore Israel. Those who are faithful to God now will experience the future restoration and glory of Israel in the end times.

Praying the Scripture

  1. God is a jealous God who demands faithfulness from those who are committed to Him, just as He is committed to them. Such jealous love is proper in any covenantal relationship including marriage. God’s jealous love is not man’s self-centered, evil love that seek its own good, not the good of others. God’s jealous love is for our good and His glory.
  1. God calls Israel to faithfulness as they endure hardship from Nineveh. Such enduring hardship is worth it and glorious because the result of this kind of endurance is a glorious future with God in His renewed earth. Christians are also called to have this enduring faithfulness in the midst of trials for the same reason. Paul says our suffering is nothing compared to the glory that awaits us (Rom. 8:18). Pray that God will give you enduring strength as you face difficulties in your life. He is faithful to provide.








  1. 神是忌邪的神;祂要求委身于祂的人忠心耿耿,如神对他们的委身一样。这种忌邪的爱在任何有约定的关系中是合宜的,包括婚姻。神忌邪的爱不是人自我中心、只寻自己益处的邪恶之爱。神忌邪之爱的根基是以我们的益处及祂的荣耀为出发点的。
  1. 正当以色列承受尼尼微附于的苦难时,神呼召要以色列要忠于神。承受这种苦难是有益的,是荣耀的,因为其果效是与神在祂所更新的世界里得享荣耀的未来。基于同一个原因,基督徒也被召在患难时要忠心地忍耐。保罗说,我们现在的苦楚若比起将来要显于我们的荣耀是不足介意的(罗8:18)。当你面对生命中的苦楚时,祈求神能给予你忍耐的心度过。神是信实的,必然供应你。