6 Feb 2018, Genesis 5 创5章, The Genealogy 家谱

Scripture Reading        : Genesis 5

Theme                            : The Genealogy


The Old Testament is “the book of the genealogy of Adam” (v. 1). It tells us about Adam’s descendants, and the story is not a happy one. In fact, the Old Testament closes with “lest I come and strike the earth with a curse” (Mal. 4:6).

The New Testament is “the book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ” (Matt. 1:1); before it ends, it declares “And there shall be no more curse” (Rev. 22:3). The first Adam brought the curse; the Last Adam bore the curse (Gal. 3:13). Adam’s sin caused thorns to grow (Gen. 3:18), but Jesus wore those thorns as a crown (Matt. 27:29).

God made man in His likeness, but sinful man now begets children in his likeness (v. 3). We are all born sinners (Ps. 51:5). But when a sinner is born again through faith in Christ, he or she begins to grow into the likeness of the Last Adam (Rom. 8:29; 2 Cor. 3:18).

Eight times in chapter 5 you find the sobering phrase “and he died.” Death is an appointment, not an accident. Because sin was reigning, death was also reigning (Rom. 5:14, 17), but in the life of Enoch,  God’s grace was reigning (Rom. 5:20–21). He believed God (Heb. 11:5–6), walked with God in the midst of a godless society, and witnessed for God (Jude 14–15). Enoch did not die; God raptured him away to heaven. This is the “blessed hope” of all Christians (Titus 2:11–14; see also 1 Thess. 4:13–18).Noah means “rest.” Mankind was in misery and longed for the promised Redeemer to come. He has come, and we can come to Him and find true rest (Matt. 11:28–30).[1]


Praying the Scripture

  1. Death is an appointment, not an accident. It is not a question of if but when. Death can occur anytime and anywhere. Are you ready to face death? Let’s pray that we live every day as if it is our last. So we are always ready and always prepared. It is also a productive way to live our lives.
  1. Everyone faces death one way or another. Yet we see from Genesis that Enoch walked with God and he was taken away without seeing death (Heb. 11:5). There are people who laugh at the teaching of “Rapture” yet this is our glorious hope. This verse is a clear example and proof of the possibility of the rapture of the believers. In the end of the world, those who persevere and continue to walk with God will be raptured out of this world to meet his savior face to face. What a glorious moment. What a glorious hope. Let’s pray that we are one of them.

[1] Warren W. Wiersbe, With the Word Bible Commentary(Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1991), Ge 5:1.







这句令人严肃思考的话“他就死了”在第5章一共出现了八次。死亡是一个约定,不是一件偶然的事。因为罪恶辖制我们,所以死亡也辖制我们(罗5:14,17),但在以诺的生命中,我们却受到神恩典的管理(罗5:20-21)。以诺相信神(希11:5-6),在一个无神论的社会之中仍与神同行,并为神作见证。(犹14-15)所以以诺没有死,神把他提到天堂去。这就是所有基督徒“有福的盼望”(提2:11-14; 见帖前4:13-18)。


  1. 死亡是一个约定,不是一件偶然的事。所以,问题不是“如果”,而是“几时” 。死亡随时随地都可能发生。你做好面对死亡的准备了吗?让我们祷告神使我们把每一天当作是生命的最后一天。这样,我们时刻都已预备好了。这样也是满有效率的生活方式。
  1. 我们每个人都将面临死亡。然而,从创世记里我们看见与神同行的以诺,在经过死亡的情况下就被神提走了(希11:5)。有些人耻笑“教会被提”的教导,然而,这却是我们荣耀的盼望。这节经文清楚证明信徒被提的可能性。在末世的时候,那些持之以恒,继续与神同行的信徒将从这个世界被提,并与他的救主面对面。那是多么光荣的一刻呀!多么荣耀的盼望呀!让我们祷告神使我们成为他们中间的一份子。