29 Jun 2017, 1 Corinthians 9 哥林多前书 9, The Illustration of Christian Liberty 运用基督徒自由的例子

Scripture Reading        : 1 Corinthians 9

Theme                            : The Illustration of Christian Liberty       


After setting out the limits of Christian liberty in chapter 8, Paul now illustrates how he followed the principle in his own life in chapter 9.

  1. Paul’s rights to be supported (9:1-14). As an apostle, Paul had the right to be supported by the churches to whom he ministered. This is a right ordained by Jesus Himself (cf. Luke 10:7). The principle of workers being paid for their work is not merely according to human judgment, but is also taught in God’s law. If God wants to be certain that oxen are “paid” for their work, how much more is He concerned that men be compensated for theirs.
  1. Paul’s refusal to be supported (9:15-27). Paul had the right, but he willingly waived his right for the gospel’s sake, for the brethren’s sake and for love’s sake. This is done for two reasons: first, he did not want to lose his reward for preaching the gospel without charge (v.16-18) and secondly, he wanted absolutely nothing to hinder his reaching the lost with that gospel (v.19-27). Therefore, this has become his policy wherever he went (cf. 1 Thess. 2:9, 2 Thess. 3:8) and he gladly modify his habits, his preferences, his lifestyle in order to win people to Jesus Christ. Though Paul’s willing adjustment of his living helped many unbelievers to be more open to receive the gospel, it does not imply that he has compromised the gospel truth to satisfy anyone. But he would condescend in any way for anyone if that would help bring him to Christ.


Praying the Scripture

  1. The Lord’s servants deserve to be supported well. There should not be a lower standard for preachers, missionaries and other Christian ministers than that set for those laboring in the system of man. Obviously, we should give our money only to ministries that are biblically sound and responsible, for being wise in our giving is part of our stewardship. But Christians are also to reflect their heavenly Father’s generosity in supporting the Lord’s servants and give happily, generously and trustingly to a servant who is worthy. Let’s pray that we will follow the model of the Macedonia church in their giving (2 Cor. 8:1-5) and provide generous support to our pastors, our missionaries and leaders of any kind who minister to us, just as God has been so immeasurably generous to us (Phil. 4:19).
  1. Liberty cannot be limited without self-control. Our sinfulness resents and resists restrictions, sometimes even in the name of spiritual freedom. However, no Christian will be successful in witnessing, or in anything else worthwhile, without discipline and self-control. Part of Pauls’ fight to win souls for Christ is against his own body. Like an athlete who follows training rules, not his body, in order to win the race, Paul put his body into subjection in order to fulfill his mission. However, many people today, including Christians, are slaves to their own bodies. They start the Christian life with enthusiasm and devotion. They train carefully for a while but soon tire of the effort and begin to “break training”. Before long, they are disqualified from being effective witnesses. They do not have what it takes because they are unwilling to pay the price. The flesh, the world, everyday affairs, personal interests and often simple laziness hinder spiritual growth and preparation for service. Let’s pray that we will learn to develop self-control and discipline in our own life so that we will not be disqualified.





  1. 保罗有权得支持(9:1-14)。身为使徒,保罗有权力向他所事奉的教会得到支持;这是耶稣自己所设的权力(参:路10:7)。工人得工价的原则并不只是人的理念,也是神的律法所教导的。若神要确保在场上踹谷的牛会得到“工价”,祂必然更在乎人为他们的劳力得到应得的工价。
  1. 保罗拒绝得到支持(9:15-27)。保罗本有这权力,但他甘愿为福音、教会弟兄及爱的缘故取消这权力。其原因有二:一、他不想失去免费传福音的赏赐(16-18节);二、他不想任何事成为他向人传福音的阻碍(19-27节)。因此,不论到哪儿,这已成了他的原则(参:帖前2:9,帖后3:8)。而他甘心调整自己的作息、嗜好及生活习惯,为要赢得人心归主。虽然保罗甘愿在生活中做调整,以便向更多非信徒传福音,但这并不表示他为要讨好人而改变福音真理。可是,若人能因保罗放下身段而亲近神,他愿意随时那么做。




  1. 主的仆人配得到充足的支持。对传道人、宣教士与其他基督徒事工的仆人而言,他们所得的标准不当低于人类的劳工系统所设。显然,我们只应该奉献给合乎圣经及负责任的事工,因为智慧奉献也是我们作管家的一部分。然而,基督徒也当在支持主仆人的事工上反映他们天父的慷慨,乐意、阔手,并在信任中奉献给配得的仆人。让我们祷告我们在奉献中会效法马其顿教会的榜样,慷慨支持我们的牧者、宣教士及凡事奉我们的教会领袖,如同神如此充足的供应我们一样(腓4:19)。
  2. 自由不是在自制之外的。我们的罪性厌恶并抵挡限制,甚至以属灵自由的名义那么做。然而,基督徒在见证或其他事物上若没有纪律与自制之心,是绝对无法成功的。在保罗为基督赢取灵魂的争战中,其中的阻碍是自己的肉身。如一名运动员遵从锻炼的规矩而不是他的身体一样,保罗为要赢得比赛,必须束缚自己的身体,才能完成他的使命。但是,今日有许多人,包括基督徒,是自己肉身的奴隶。他们在作基督徒路程的起点充满了激情与忠心,起初小心锻炼,但很快就累了,开始偷懒。不久后,他们不再是有效的见证;他们不愿付出代价,所以失去了这个资格。肉体、世界、每日琐事、个人关注,及懒惰阻碍了属灵增长及对事奉的预备。让我们祷告我们在生活中会学习自制及自律,叫我们不会被取消资格。