27 Aug 2015, Joel 约珥书 2:1-27: The Day of the Lord Described 主日的描叙

Scripture Reading        : Joel 2:1-27

Theme                          : The Day of the Lord Described


  1. Great Judgment (2:1-11). During the day of the Lord, i.e. seven years of tribulation, God will bring a greater plague of locust to Israel and the world. This greater plague is described in vv. 2-11. We believe this is not describing the locust plague of chapter 1 or the future Babylonian invasion of Judah because the context of chapter 2 is the end times. We believe this is describing the fifth trumpet judgment in Revelation 9:1-11, where a new breed of creatures resembling locusts, horses, humans and scorpions will torment the earth. As strange as it may sound, this is not science fiction, but a manifestation of the demonic world in the future. It is literal prophesy of God’s judgment that will certainly come truth.
  1. Great Deliverance (2:12-27). In light of the present and future plagues of locusts, God calls the Jews to rend their hearts, not their garment, i.e., to acknowledge their spiritual corruption and return to the Lord. This repentance will ultimately be accomplished in the end times when the people will gather to mourn for their sins and cry out to God (2:12-18, see Zech. 12:10-14). Then God will reconcile with them forever and restore blessings to them forever. He will also destroy the “northerner,” which we believe is the anti-christ (Micah 5:6, Rev. 16:16, 19:11-21), who will invade Israel from the north during the end times. God will restore joy and righteousness in Israel and the earth will also be physically revived in the Millenial Kingdom. This is the glory that is waiting for all repentant Jews. But if Judah continues to reject God, it will continue to experience pain and suffering throughout history and individual Jews who rebel against God will end up in hell. Israel has experienced numerous sufferings for their rebellion throughout history, such as the Babylonian Captivity and the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. after they rejected the Messiah. Their rejection of God and their suffering will culminate in the end times.


Praying the Scripture

  1. The terrifying picture of destruction in the day of the Lord is a preview of hell. It is a warning to Israel and to all non-believers of their horrific end if they do not repent of their horrific spiritual corruption. We pray that the Holy Spirit will convict non-believers of their horrific spiritual condition and that they deserve such horrific judgment. We pray that non-believers will stop being self-righteous by comparing themselves to other fallen human beings, but they will see their true ugly selves through the mirror of God’s word and be horrified, and then cry to God and believe in the amazing salvation of Jesus.
  1. The prophecies of the Bible is amazingly coherent, even though they are written by different authors in different times. This testifies to the divine quality of the Bible, the guiding of the Holy Spirit (2 Pet. 1:21). We are sure that the prophecies here will be literally fulfilled during the second coming of Christ, just as all prophecies have been literally fulfilled during the first coming of Christ. Therefore, let us prepare our minds for action and serve Him (1 Pet. 1:13-16). Let us not be conformed to the corrupt ways of the world. For this world will be destroyed by God. Let us not worship what this world worships: money, power, sex, status, possessions, and praise of men. Let us prepare ourselves for the imminent return of Christ by drawing closer to God through prayer and Scripture reading. Let us build eternal rewards by serving His church, loving brothers and sisters, and proclaiming His glorious gospel to the lost.




  1. 莫大的审判(2:1-11)。主日,即七年大灾难,之时,神会使更大的蝗虫之灾降临以色列及全世界。这更大的灾害就在2-11节加以叙述。我们相信这不是对第一章的蝗虫之灾,或对犹大日后被巴比伦侵占的陈述,因为第二章的语境是末日。我们相信这是启示录9:1-11所形容的第五号的审判;那时,似蝗虫、马、人与蝎子的新造物品种将使世界受尽煎熬。这虽然不是科幻小说,但奇怪的是,日后将有邪魔世界的出现。这是神施行审判的直译预言,必然应验。
  1. 莫大的拯救(2:12-27)。鉴于当前及末日的蝗虫之灾,神召犹太人要撕碎他们的心,不是扯裂他们的衣,要承认他们的属灵败坏,归向主。他们最终将在末日涌现悔改的意愿,因为那时,人将聚集,为他们的罪哀号,向神呼求(2:12-18;见撒12:10-14)。那日,神会与他们和好,并再次施与福分,直到永永远远。祂也会销毁“北方来的军队”;我们相信这指的是末日将从以色列以北侵入以色列的敌基督(弥5:6;启16:16, 19:11-21)。神将使喜乐和公义在以色列重现,而世界也将在千禧国度中得到物质上的重建——这是凡悔改的犹太人能期待的荣耀。可是,犹大若继续拒绝神,她将历史历代饱受痛苦,而违背神的个别犹太人也会入地狱。以色列从古至今已为她的悖逆历经无数的灾难,如巴比伦的掳去,及公元后70年因拒绝弥赛亚导致耶路撒冷被毁。他们对神的抗拒与经受的苦难将在末日达至巅峰。



  1. 主之日的冷酷摧残画面就是地狱的预示。那是对以色列及所有非信徒的警告:若他们不肯为自己极恶的属灵败坏悔改,他们将有这个可怕的下场。我们求圣灵能在非信徒的心里定他们的罪,看见自己极恶的属灵状态,深知他们应当承受如此可怕的审判。我们祷告非信徒能停止他们自义的行为,不要与其他堕落的人作比较,乃要藉着神的道看清自己真实的丑陋面目,为此惊觉,转向神呼求,并投靠耶稣奇妙的救恩。
  1. 虽然圣经的预言是由不同的作者在不同的年代写的,但它们奇妙地贯穿一致。这见证了圣经的神圣性,是圣灵所默示的(彼后1:21)。我们能确定圣经的预言必然在基督二次来临时得到直译的应验,犹如基督首次降临时直译应验所有的预言一样。因此,让我们预备好自己的心服侍神(彼前1:13-16)。让我们不跟从世界败坏的脚步行,因为这世界将被神毁灭。让我们不拜世界所崇拜的:钱财、势力、性欲、名望、物质与人的赞美。让我们为神逼近的到来做好准备,藉着读经和祷告亲近神。让我们藉着侍奉神的教会,爱弟兄姐妹,并向失丧者传祂荣耀的福音,从而积累永恒的赏赐。