4 Apr 2017, Acts 使徒行传 18:1-18, Press On for God 为主坚持

Scripture Reading        : Acts 18:1-18

Theme                            : Press On for God


  1. Provision of God. Silas and Timothy were still in Berea when Paul went to Athens (Acts 17:15), later re-joining Paul at Corinth. Before Silas and Timothy joined Paul, he worked as a tentmaker to support himself, preaching only on the Sabbath. When Silas and Timothy came from Macedonia, they brought along financial support, so that Paul could be devoted “exclusively to preaching”. God provided Paul’s needs through the gift of other believers.
  1. Proselytizing for God. When the Jews opposed Paul, he turned to the Gentiles and devoted himself to preach to them for a year and a half. Many Gentiles became believers as the result of Paul’s preaching. It is possible that Paul was afraid and discouraged by the opposition, which was why God spoke to him in a vision to encourage him to continue preaching to the Gentiles.
  1. Protection of God. Even though the Jews “made a united attack on Paul”, God used the proconsul to protect Paul. Gallio wisely ruled that this was not a matter against Roman law, and threw the case out. The Jews vented their anger at Sosthenes, who later became a Christian (1 Cor. 1:1), but no harm was made to Paul.

Praying the Scripture

  1. We should be willing to part with our physical possessions so that we can gain eternal rewards in heaven. Pray that we will give of our resources generously, so that our pastor can be devoted “exclusively to preaching” in order to build up believers in the church (including ourselves).
  1. Even Paul was afraid and discouraged at times. Let us pray that we will trust in God and not be afraid to preach the Gospel to people around us.
  1. If we obey His Word, we can be assured that Jesus Christ will be with us till the end of the age (Matt. 28:19-20). Praise and thank God for keeping His promises.




  1. 神的供应。当保罗到雅典时,西拉与提摩太仍在庇哩亚(使17:15);二人后来到哥林多与保罗会合。二人未到之前,保罗以制造帐棚为业以供应自己的需要,只在安息日传道。当西拉与提摩太从马其顿来的时候,他们带了教会的金钱资助,叫保罗能专心致志地传道。神通过信徒的资助来供应保罗的需要。
  1. 传扬主道犹太人既抗拒保罗所传的道,他便转向外邦人,专心地在他们中间传道,约有一年半之久。因着保罗的讲道,许多外邦人信了主。保罗有可能是因为面临抵抗而感灰心恐惧,所以神藉着异象激励他继续向外邦人传道。
  1. 神的保守虽然犹太人“同心起来攻击保罗”,神却藉着方伯保护了他。 迦流以智慧裁定这事件并不触犯罗马法律,因此不予审问。犹太人便对所提尼(他后来信主——林前1:1)宣泄怒气,但保罗由始至终并没有受到伤害。


  1. 我们当愿意割舍自己的物质财产,为得着天上永恒的赏赐。祈求我们肯慷慨奉献自己所拥有的资源,好叫我们的牧师能专心致志地传道,建立教会的信徒(包括我们)。
  1. 别说我们,就连保罗也有灰心、恐惧的时候。祈求我们能信靠神,能毫无畏惧地向我们身边的人传福音。
  1. 我们若顺服神的话,我们就能确定基督必与我们同在,直到世界的末了(太 28:19-20)。感谢赞美神,因祂必守应许。