27 Mar 2017, Acts 14:1-28 使徒行传 14:1-28, Lessons from Paul’s First Missionary Journey 从保罗首次宣教行程所得教训

Scripture Reading        : Acts 14:1-28

Theme                            : Lessons from Paul’s First Missionary Journey


  1. Faithful preaching. As Paul and Barnabas went from city to city, they “continued to preach the Gospel”, even though there were people who wanted “to mistreat them and to stone them”. They did not change the message to please the hearers, but preached the true Gospel that challenges sinners to repent.
  1. Fearing the one and only God. At Lystra, Paul told the people to turn to the one and only “living God” who made everything. It is because Paul feared the one and only God, not man, that he could preach the Gospel faithfully even though his life was under threat.
  1. Persevering in suffering. When the Jews eventually did stone Paul at Lystra, to the extent that they thought he was dead and dragged him out of the city, he simply went to another city (Derbe) and continued to preach the Gospel.
  1. Pastoring with love. Paul also came back to Lystra to preach again, even though he almost died here. This was certainly out of love for the Christians in Lystra, Iconium and Antioch, because they needed encouragement as they went “through many tribulations”.


Praying the Scripture

  1. Pray for the pulpit ministry of our church, that the pastor will faithfully preach the Word of God, even though the audience may not like to hear the truth.
  1. The congregation can turn to the pastor for counselling, but the pastor has nobody to turn to for counselling. Pray that the pastor of our church will fear the one and only God, and not fear man.
  1. Thank God that we are in a country where there is no real persecution and suffering, like those in the Book of Acts. Also thank God that He gave us a pastor who loves Him, His Word, and His church.




  1. 忠心传道。当保罗与巴拿巴到各城时,即便有人想“凌辱使徒,用石头打他们”,他们依然继续传福音。他们不为讨听众的喜悦改变福音,而是传讲挑战罪人悔改的真实福音。
  1. 敬畏独一真神。在路司得,保罗告诉群众要转向那位创造万物的独一永生之神。由于保罗敬畏的是那位独一真神而不是人,所以即便生命受到威胁,他仍能忠心传讲福音。
  1. 在患难中忍耐。当犹太人最后在路司得用石头打保罗,以致他们认为保罗死了,并把他拖到城外时,保罗只是到另一个城市去(特庇),继续传福音。
  1. 用爱牧养羊群。即便保罗差点儿在路司得死,他还是回到那里传福音。这显然是出于对路司得、以哥念和安提阿信徒之爱,因为他们“经历许多艰难”,需要鼓励。



  1. 请为我们教会的讲台事工祷告,叫牧师能忠心传讲神的道,纵然听众或许不爱听真理。
  1. 会众能向牧师咨询辅导,但牧师无人可从。祈求我们教会的牧师能敬畏那位独一真神,而不是畏惧人。
  1. 感谢神,因我们处在一个无真实逼迫和患难的国家,与使徒行传中的有别。让我们也感谢神给予我们一位爱祂,爱祂话语,并爱祂教会的牧师。