Scripture Reading : Gen 29
Theme : The Deceiver being Deceived
Abraham’s faithful servant had found a wife for Isaac, but Jacob had to find his own wife. God’s plans are different for each of us, and we must accept His will (Phil. 2:12–13).
The guest(1–14).
God’s providence brought Jacob to the well just as Rachel was arriving. (See Gen. 24:27.) True to his scheming nature, Jacob tried to get rid of the shepherds so he could have her all to himself! It was love at first sight. That first month in Uncle Laban’s home must have been heaven on earth to Jacob, but it didn’t take long for things to change.
The worker(15–30).
Jacob was not wealthy as Isaac was when he got his wife (Gen. 24:36, 53), so he had to work for his uncle to have the woman he loved. But love takes the burden out of work and makes time pass quickly. Jacob the schemer met his match in Laban and soon began to reap what he had sown. Jacob had deceived his father, and his father-in-law deceived him.
The father(31–35).
Praying the Scripture
- Jacob didn’t have an easy life after he left his father’s house. Though God forgave his sins, he still suffered the consequences of his sins. We reap what we sow. Jacob had deceived Isaac, but he was deceived by his father-in-law Laban also. During the years he worked for Laban, Jacob endured many trials. The thing that kept him going when the going gets tough was his faith in the promises of God. Let’s pray that we cleave to God’s promised when life is tough.
- It must have been painful for Leah to give herself to a husband who was only doing his duty and not sharing his affection. However her spiritual growth was clearly seen from how she named her the sons. Leah named her firstborn Reuben, which means “see—a son!” she was certain that this baby would cause her husband to love her. However, she was wrong. Her second son was named Simeon which means “one who hears” and suggests that Leah had been praying to God about her misery. Levi was the name she gave her third son, and it means “attached”; for Leah was still hoping that Jacob would love her for the sons she had borne him. But the birth of her fourth son seemed to bring a new joy to her life, for she called him Judah, which comes from the Hebrew word meaning “praise.” Instead of complaining to the Lord about her unresponsive husband, she was now praising the Lord for His blessings (29:35).
[1] Warren W. Wiersbe, With the Word Bible Commentary (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1991), Ge 29:1.
客人 (1–14)
- 在离开父亲家后,雅各的生活并不如意。虽然神赦免了他的罪,但他仍然需面对罪的后果。我们种的是什么,收的也是什么。我们必自食其果。雅各欺骗以撒,但他也被自己的岳父拉班欺骗。在为拉班打工的这些年,雅各也经历了许多的考验。但是因他紧握神的应许不放,这样的信心使他可以坚持下去。请祷告让我们在艰难的日子里,也会紧握着神的承诺。
- 嫁给一个只履行职责而在感情上没有交流的丈夫,利亚来一定非常痛苦。然而,从她如何为她的儿子取名,我们可以清楚看到她属灵上的成长。长子的名字“流便”,意思是“看,是一个儿子”,她以为丈夫会因为这孩子而疼爱自己。但是,她错了。第二个儿子西缅,意思是 “听见”,利亚不断的向神祷告,诉说自己的痛苦。第三个儿子利未,它的意思是“联合”。利亚仍然希望因她为丈夫所生的儿子,雅各会开始爱她。但她第四个儿子的出生似乎带给利亚新的喜悦,“犹大”希伯来文的意思是“赞美”,她不再向神抱怨对自己毫无反应的丈夫,她已开始赞美主对自己的祝福(29:35)。