28 Aug 2015, Joel 约珥书 2:28-3:21, The Day of the Lord Culminated 主日的巅峰

Scripture Reading        : Joel 2:28-3:21

Theme                          : The Day of the Lord Culminated


  1. Culminate in Spiritual Life (2:28-32). Toward the end of the day of the Lord, God will pour out His Spirit on the Jews and they will prophesy, call His name and be saved. This end time Spirit has already begun to work, starting from Pentecost when the Holy Spirit was poured out on believing Jews (Acts 2:17-21) and initiated the church. Since then the church has been in the last days (Acts 2:17, 1 John 2:18, James 5:3) and is approaching toward the end of the last days. Pentecost continues to foreshadow the ultimate work of the Holy Spirit in the end times (Zech 12:10).
  1. Culminate in Judgment of Nations (3:1-16). When all of Israel repents and is reconciled to God, God will act to protect Israel and destroy their enemies. The world will gather in a great army in the Valley of Jehoshaphat (i.e. valley of decision, 3:14) and try to destroy Israel, but instead, God will destroy the army of the world. Jehoshaphat means Yahweh judges. Most likely this is referring to the valley of Jezreel, i.e. Armageddon (Rev. 16:16).
  1. Culminate in Restoration of Israel (3:17-21). Israel will be fully restored and have everlasting peace, thus God will fulfill His covenant with David and Abraham (2 Sam. 7:10). Jerusalem will be the spiritual and political centre of the world (Zech 14:16-21) and Israel will fulfill God’s original intention as a light to the nations (Ex. 19:6). In the Millennial Kingdom, a millennial temple with be built (Eze. 40-48) and a fountain shall come of it to nourish Israel and the nations (3:18, see also Eze. 47:1-12). A new world order will be ushered in by the Messiah.

Praying the Scripture

  1. Since life in God’s kingdom is eternal and life in this world is temporal, we pray that all our decisions and desires on earth will be aligned with the eternal kingdom of God. We pray that as we focus more on God’s eternal kingdom, we will become less selfish and less irritable with our spouses, children, other Christians, relatives, co-workers, and others. That all the problems we think are big problems will become smaller and smaller in light of our ultimate destination in heaven. May our priorities in life be in line with our ultimate destiny. May we gather spiritual, heavenly treasures on earth, not earthly treasures. Let us not serve both God and money, but only serve God.
  1. Our hearts are filled with joy to know that we will escape this fallen world and live in a glorious, new world order, where our majestic God will reign and where righteousness, joy and love will filled the world. We pray the reality of the Millennial Kingdom and the eternal heaven will become more real to us. May our hearts be filled with the greatest joy because of this reality, no matter what our circumstance is, so that the world will know we worship the true, living God, not idols of our own making. Let our love for the glory of God and the glory of the new heavens and new earth be our strength.




  1. 灵性生命的巅峰(2:28-32)。到了主日末了,神将把祂的灵浇灌犹太人,叫他们能说预言,求告主名并蒙拯救。这末时的灵已从五旬节开始动工了,也就是当圣灵浇灌凡信主的犹太人之时(使2:17-21),开始教会的建立。从此以后,教会便处在末日阶段(使2:17;约一2:18;各5:3),并向主日的末到迈进。五旬节仍继续预示圣灵在末代时最大的工作(撒12:10)。
  1. 审判列国的巅峰(3:1-16)。当全以色列悔改并与神和好后,神会继而守护以色列,毁灭她的敌人。世界将在约沙法谷招聚大军(即断定谷,3:14),试图消灭以色列,但神反倒会消灭他们。约沙法之意是耶和华的审判;这很有可能指的是耶斯列平原,即哈米吉多顿(启16:16)。
  1. 以色列复兴的巅峰(3:17-21)。神将守祂与亚伯拉罕和大卫所立的约,使以色列全然复兴,永享平安(撒下7:10)。以色列将是世界的灵性与政治中心(撒14:16-21),并履行神原来的意愿,作万国的光(出19:6)。千禧国度里将有一个千禧圣殿(结40-48);有泉源从而流出,滋润以色列与万国(3:18,也见结47:1-12)。弥赛亚将招进一个新世界制度。


  1. 既然神的国度是永恒的,这世界是短暂的,我们求在这世界所做的每一个决定并心中的意愿,是与神的永恒国度平行的。我们求当自己越发专注于神永恒的国度时,我们能逐渐变得不那么自私,逐渐不那么容易被自己的配偶、孩子、主内弟兄、亲戚、工作伙伴等人激怒,能在天堂为终点的光照下把生命中的大问题看得越来越小。愿我们对生命各事的优先排序是按那最后的终点做考量的。愿我们在世界积累的是属灵、天上的财富,不是地上的。让我们不同时侍奉神和钱财,乃单单侍奉神。
  1. 我们的心当充满喜悦,因知道我们将逃脱这个堕落的世界,在一个荣耀的新世界制度活着,是我们荣美之神统治之地,是公义、喜乐与爱充满世界的时候。我们祈求千禧国度与永恒天堂的真实性会在我们心里愈发加增。不论我们的遭遇何如,愿我们的心满有大喜乐,叫世界晓得我们敬拜的是那位又真又活的神,不是人手所造的偶像。愿我们对神及新天新地之荣耀的爱作我们的力量。