5 Apr 2017, Acts 使徒行传 18:18-19:7, Forget the Past 忘记背后

Scripture Reading        : Acts 18:18-19:7

Theme                            : Forget the Past


  1. Caught in the OT laws. Paul took a Nazirite vow, which was a vow to be separated and devoted to God (Num. 6:2-5, 13-21). At the end of the vow, the devotee would shave his head, as Paul did. Paul likely took such a vow because God protected him in Corinth. Even though Paul was absolutely clear that obeying OT laws did not earn salvation, he was still caught in it (though it was a sincere devotion).
  1. Caught in the OT teaching. Alexandria was an important city in Egypt. Coming from a city far from Jerusalem, Apollos did not know about Jesus’ death and resurrection, because he was teaching the OT prophecies concerning Jesus. He might have heard John the Baptist and believed his message concerning the Messiah, but had no personal knowledge of Jesus yet. Priscilla and Aquila heard Apollos in the synagogue and they explained the full Gospel to him. Apollos became a powerful Christian preacher, notably at Corinth (Acts 19:1; 1 Cor. 1:12).
  1. Caught in the OT baptism. Paul came to Ephesus and found some disciples of John the Baptist. They were baptized by John, which was an OT form of baptism signifying repentance and preparation for the Messiah’s arrival. They had not heard the Gospel, but when Paul preached the Gospel to them, they were baptized in the name of Jesus, signifying not only repentance, but also death (of sin) with Jesus and future resurrection (Rom. 6:3).



Praying the Scripture

  1. There are some people who might be sincerely abstaining from certain things as devotion to God (e.g. no wine, no food offered to idols, etc.). The Bible has clear teachings on this, but let us pray that those who have a stronger conscience not judge those who are weaker, and pray that we will treat brethren who have personal convictions with grace and patience.
  1. Apollos was already eloquent in the OT, but that did not cause him to be puffed-up in pride. He gladly received instruction from Priscilla and Aquila concerning Christian doctrine. Pray that we will be humble and teachable like Apollos.
  1. Believers in the Bible were willingly baptized as soon as they believed the Gospel. Pray that the believers in our congregation who are not baptized yet to obey our Lord’s command to be baptized.




  1. 因旧约侓法被困保罗曾许过拿细耳人的愿,即表示全心向神,与世分别为圣的愿(民6:2-5,13-21)。誓愿完成后,信徒必须剃头;保罗也如此行了。保罗或许是为要感谢神在哥林多保守而许了愿。虽然他清楚了解遵守旧约侓法不能使人得救,但保罗还是陷在其中(即便他的专一是真诚的)。
  1. 因旧约教导被困亚历山大是埃及的一个重要城市。亚波罗是从一个离耶路撒冷很远的城市来的,因此并不明白基督的死与复活之意;他教导的仅是一切关乎耶稣的旧约预言。他或许曾听过施洗约翰,并相信他所传有关弥赛亚的信息,却未对耶稣有个人的认识。百基拉和亚居拉听到亚波罗在犹太人会堂的教导,便将福音全面地向他讲解一番。亚波罗后来成为一位大有能力的传道者,尤其是在哥林多(使19:1;林前1:12)。
  1. 旧约洗礼被困保罗到了以弗所后遇见施洗约翰的几个门徒。他们曾接受约翰的施洗,也就是旧约的洗礼,表明悔改与预备弥赛亚的临到。他们从未听见福音,但保罗向他们宣讲福音后,他们便奉主耶稣的名受洗,从而表明的不仅是悔改,也藉此参与耶稣的死(对罪而死)和日后的复活(罗6:3)。


  1. 有些人或许为了表示对神的忠心,诚心禁绝某些事物(如禁酒、禁祭偶像之食,等)。圣经在这方面有清楚的教导,但让我们为那些在良心上更坚强的人祷告,叫他们不会论断较软弱的弟兄,并祈求我们能以恩慈和耐心对待持有个人信念的主内肢体。
  1. 亚波罗虽然精通旧约圣经,但没有因此骄傲自大。他欣然地接受百基拉和亚居拉给他阐明有关于基督教义的指导。祈求我们都能像亚波罗一样,有谦卑受教的心。
  1. 圣经里的基督徒只要相信了福音,就愿意受洗。祈求我们会众里还未受洗的基督徒能愿意顺服主的命令受洗。