Scripture Reading : Jeremiah 31
Theme : The New Covenant
End Times Restoration (1-30)
This chapter is about Israel’s end times desolation and restoration; it is not about restoration from the Babylonian captivity. Israel’s end times desolation is liken to wilderness, liken to the first exodus and the Babylonian exile. Wilderness is a place of punishment, but it can also be a place of spiritual nourishment for sinners (Rev. 12:14; Hos. 2:14). God disciplines the nation by sending them into “wilderness,” in order to revive them spiritually, just as God disciplines individual believers in order to correct them. Just like the first exodus, Israel (Rachel) will again experience and mourn over the murder of their children (v. 15). This is fulfilled in Matthew 2:15 when Herod murdered every male under two years old in Bethlehem. However, God will comfort all their pain when He fully restores Israel. After God restores Israel, no one can blame their sins on others (vv. 29-30). In this fallen world, our sins can be influenced by others to some degree, especially by our parents; but ultimately each individual is still responsible for his sin. Even though this is an entangled mess, God is still able to judge every sinner righteously.
The New Covenant (31-40).
Since the Mosaic Covenant has no ability to change the Jews’ heart to love God, God needs to establish the New Covenant with Israel in order to change their heart. This covenant was initiated at the time of Jesus’ death and resurrection (Luke 22:20), but it was not accepted by Israel. Israel will accept the NC in the end times when it will accept Jesus as Lord and savior (Zech. 12:10). The fulfillment of this prophecy is as certain as the shining of the sun. This is why the nation of Israel was miraculously resurrected in 1948. God will never, ever forsake Israel as a nation. Israel will experience desolation again in the end times, but Jesus will return and save them.
Praying the Scripture
- It is amazing and comforting to know that when Jesus establishes His Messianic Kingdom on earth, every bad thing, every tragedy, pain and sorrowful will disappear like a dream because God will comfort us. For those Jews who have experienced the murder of their children, they will see their children again in the Messianic Kingdom. All the pain will vanish like a dream. This truth does not deny the reality of our current pain, but it does give great hope, trust and love for God in the midst of pain. Let us praise God for His marvelous restoration in the future when Jesus comes back. Let us all look forward to His coming.
- Every Christian has experienced the New Covenant blessing of a new heart (2 Cor. 5:17, Col. 2:11-13). God has stripped away (circumcised) our former insane, foolish, and dirty nature. This dirty nature is no longer our master, Jesus is. Although this dirty nature still continues to harass us, but by our new master’s power, we are able to put it to death (Rom. 8:13). Let us praise God for delivering us from the insanity and foolishness of our sinful nature (Eccl. 9:3). Let us not be deceived by sin, but gaze upon Jesus who is the founder and perfecter of our faith (Heb. 12:2).
- 当耶稣在地上建立祂的弥赛亚国度时,所有坏事,所有悲剧、痛苦与悲哀都会象梦一样消失,因为神会安慰我们——这是既奇妙又令人欣慰的事实。对于那些已经历孩子被杀害的犹太人,他们将在弥赛亚国度里再次见到自己的孩子。所有的痛将像梦一样消失。这个真理不会抹灭我们如今所经历的痛苦,但却能在其中让我们对神有大大的指望、依靠与爱。让我们赞美神将来在耶稣归来之时的奇妙复兴。让我们期盼祂的到来。
- 每一个基督徒都已经蒙受新立之约所应许的新心(林后5:17;西2:11-13)。神已剥去(行割礼)我们以前狂妄、愚昧与污秽的本性。这被玷污的本性不再作我们的主,耶稣却是。即使这污秽的本性仍继续搅扰我们,但是靠着我们新主人的力量,我们能够将其治死(罗8:13)。让我们赞美神把我们从狂妄愚昧的罪恶本性中解救出来(传9:3)。让我们不要被罪欺骗,却要仰望为我们信心创始成终的耶稣(来12:2)。