Scripture Reading : Amos 1:1-2:5
Theme : Seven Judgments
Amos prophesied around 760 B.C. during the reign of Uzziah in Judah, while Jeroboam II reigned in Israel. During this time, both Israel and Judah were militarily strong and economically wealthy. Amos is a Judean prophet called to deliver a message primarily to Israel, the northern kingdom (7:12).
- Judgment on Foreigners (1:1-10). God proclaims His judgment on Israel’s surrounding nations as a way to get Israel’s attention and poignantly show their sins. Israel would whole-heartedly agree with God’s judgment on their neighbours’ sins, but when God’s judgment climaxes at the end with Israel, they cannot be blinded to their hypocrisy (cf. 2 Sam. 12:5-7; Matt. 7:2). The phrase “three transgressions…four” is an idiom that means many sins, but only one sin is highlighted. Because of these sins, God will judge Damascus (Syria), Gaza (Philistine), and Tyre (Phoenicia). All these nations committed atrocities that led to war and carnages during war time.
- Judgment on Blood Relations (1:11-2:3). Edom (Esau’s line), Ammon (Lot’s line), and Moab (Lot’s line) are relatives of Israel, yet they often fight against their relatives, both Israel and each other. For these sins, God will destroy them.
- Judgment on Sister Nation (2:4-5). Judah is the last of seven judgments by God. Her top sin is that they forsook the laws of God, i.e. they rejected a relationship with God, manifested by their rejection of His commandments (John 14:15). All these judgments against the seven nations and Israel, were fulfilled when Assyria and Babylon sacked these nations.
Praying the Scripture
- Every nation, every individual is accountable to God, whether they know God through His special revelation (The Bible) or through general revelation (Rom. 1:18-23). God’s judgment against every human being is just and righteous. God is not obligated to save anyone, but the fact that He does save some through the precious blood of His beloved Son testifies to His amazing grace. We should praise Him for His marvellous grace, instead of complaining and being suspicious of His “limited” grace.
- God is a gracious God, slow in anger (Ex. 34:6). The seven nations had sinned often and continued to sin. God tolerated their sins for a while, but there is a limit to His patience. Eventually God’s patience ended and they were destroyed for their stubbornness. Even now, God patiently offers salvation to people, but that offer will not always be there. So if you hear the gospel today, do not harden your heart, but repent and return to God (Heb. 3:15).
- 对异国的审判(1:1-10)。神对以色列周遭之国宣告审判,好叫以色列能警醒,并向她显露自己所犯的罪孽。以色列必然全力赞同神对她邻国之罪的审判,但当神审判的高潮是以以色列为焦点时,她不得不看见自己的虚伪(见撒下12:5-7;太7:2)。“三番四次”意众多,但神只凸显了一项罪刑。因着这些罪,神会审判大马士革(亚兰)、加沙(非利士)和推罗(腓尼基)。这些国家的暴行不但导致了战争,还在战争期间进行大屠杀。
- 对血统的审判(1:11-2:3)。以东(以扫的后裔)、亚扪(罗得的后裔)和摩押(罗得的后裔)是以色列的亲戚,但他们之间常常争斗。为此,神会消灭他们。
- 对姐妹国的审判(2:4-5)。犹大是神施与七个审判中的最后一个对象。她最大的罪是离弃神的律,即拒绝与神相交,所以抗拒顺服神的诫命(约14:15)。神对七国与以色列的审判是在亚述与巴比伦侵略这些国家时应验的。
- 各国、各人,不论是藉着神特别(圣经)或普世的启示(罗1:18-23)认识祂与否,都必须向祂交账。神对每一个人的审判是公义、正直的。神没有义务要救任何人,但祂竟然藉着祂爱子的宝血搭救部分人的举动,足以见证祂奇妙的恩典。我们当为神美妙的恩典赞美祂,而不是埋怨与质疑神“有限”的恩典。
- 耶和华是有恩典的神,不轻易发怒(出34:6)。七国从前常常犯罪,并继续如此。神虽暂时容忍了他们的罪,但祂的耐心是有限的。最后,神的忍耐会终止,而列国将因他们的固执被销毁。即便如今,神耐心地向人供应救恩,但这个供应不会永远存在。因此,你今日若听到福音,请不要刚硬自己的心,乃要悔改归神(来3:15)。