Scripture Reading : Gen 9
Theme : The New World
Government (1–7).
God gave some new rules for life on the cleansed earth. He always guides His redeemed and shows them His will. Noah and his family could now eat animal flesh (Gen. 1:29), but they were forbidden to eat the blood (Lev. 17:11–14). The sanctity of human life was affirmed in the ordaining of human government (Rom. 13). God established government because man is basically a sinner and must be kept under control. Murder is a terrible crime because man is made in the image of God, and to kill a human being is to attack God’s image. All people are not children of God, but all belong to one human family because God made us of one blood (Acts 17:26).
Grace (8–17).
God gave assurance that He would never send another flood to destroy life on the earth. The covenant included not only man but also birds, cattle, and the beasts of the field (Ezek. 1:10; Rev. 4:7). The sign of the covenant was the rainbow, a bridge of beauty that joins heaven and earth. Whether we look at the rainbow or not, God looks upon it and remembers His promises. Noah saw the rainbow after the storm; Ezekiel saw it in the midst of the storm (Ezek. 1:4ff.); and John saw it before
the storm of judgment (Rev. 4:1–3).
Imagine, a “preacher of righteousness” (2 Pet. 2:5), who was over six hundred years old, getting drunk!(See Gen. 6:5; 8:21; 1 Cor. 10:12.) Ham should have grieved over his father’s sins, not gloated over them (Prov. 14:9). His brothers did what love always does: “covers all sins” (Prov. 10:12; 12:16; 17:9; 1 Pet. 4:8).
Noah’s words must not be interpreted to mean that certain races are inferior and destined to be enslaved. In fact, history shows that some of Canaan’s descendants were mighty nations with great empires. For that matter, even the Jews, the descendants of Shem, have had their share of captivity. His words were a prophecy: the sin of Ham would be visited on his son Canaan, who must have been involved in some way; Shem would have God’s blessing (Rom. 9:1–5); Japheth (the Gentiles) would multiply and would worship the God of Shem. John wrote, “Salvation is of the Jews” (John 4:22). People who trust Christ for salvation are all one in Him (Gal. 3:28; Col. 3:11). [1]
Praying the Scripture
- Good news! We can eat meat, it is biblical! However, animal lovers might think that we are amoral people. Let’s pray that we don’t define our moral standards by their standards and that our love for upholding these standards is not greater than the Word of God. That is pride in itself. That shows that we are arrogant, thinking we know better and that we can set the limit as to what to do and what to eat.
- Although men sinned yet they still have God’s image. So when we look at another human being, we must see the God who created him. Let’s pray that we value every human life.
[1] Warren W. Wiersbe, With the Word Bible Commentary (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1991), Ge 9:1.
试想想,一个“传义道”(彼得后书2:5)、600多岁的人竟然喝醉了! (见创6:5;8:21;林前10:12)迦南应该为父亲的罪感到悲伤,而不是在那儿幸灾乐祸。(箴14:9)他的兄弟却做了爱应该有的表现: “遮盖”- 因为“爱能遮掩许多的罪” 。(箴10:12 12:16;17:9;彼前4:8)
- 好消息!我们可以吃肉了,这是符合圣经的!然而,动物爱好者可能会认为我们不道德。让我们祷告,我们不以世人的标准来决定我们的生活、我们的爱也能不大于神的话语。这样的想法本身就是骄傲。这表明我们是傲慢的,我们认为自己更加了解并可以决定做什么和吃什么的限制。
- 人虽然犯了罪,但他们仍然有神的形象。所以,当我们在看到另一个人时,我们必须看到创造他的神。让我们祷告让我们珍视每个生命。