29 Feb 2016, Jeremiah 13 耶利米书 13, Corrupted Nation 败坏的国家

Scripture Reading  : Jeremiah 13

Theme                  : Corrupted Nation


Ruined Loincloth (1-11)

God commands Jeremiah to buy and hide a loincloth in Babylon, and then dig out the ruined loincloth. This symbolizes Israel’s exile in Babylon because they are useless and corrupted. But God promises to restore this ruined loincloth so that it will be useful again and cling to God.

Ruined Nation (12-27).

The thoroughly corrupt nation will drink the wrath of God’s wine. God threatens judgment on them but also appeals them to repent. The statement “Give glory to the Lord your God” is an OT idiom for “Confess your sins” (cf. Josh 7:19; John 9:24). But they will not because they have persistently sinned. Their conscience has been seared. For the Jews to repent is like suspending the laws of nature, like a leopard changing its spots. Their only hope is in the mercy of God who promises to restore the nation in the future.



Praying the Scripture

This passage teaches that humans are hopeless and helpless sinners who cannot change themselves. They are dead in their transgression (Eph. 2:1). Their only hope is God’s undeserved grace, who is inclined to mercy when we ask for mercy. This is why it is important to pray for non-believers when you evangelize. And it is also why we must pray for ourselves and for other believers to be refined, to continuously be changed by God in order to conform to the image of Christ. This is what it means by being filled with the Spirit in Eph. 5:18. We must depend on God and let God change us. Any effort to change ourselves and others without depending on God is futile. Even your best effort is useless. It is like a Ferrari without gas; looks great outside but cannot go anywhere.







