Scripture Reading : Acts 19:8-20
Theme : The Power of the Word
- The proclamation of the Word. Paul proclaimed the Gospel at Ephesus, and soon the Gospel spread throughout Asia Minor (modern day Turkey). Recall that the Holy Spirit forbid Paul from going to Asia in Acts 17:6, but directed him to Macedonia instead. It was a matter of when (timing), rather than not.
- The proof of the Word. God authenticated Paul’s message and ministry with accompanying signs and miracles. When the Sons of Sceva wanted to duplicate the miracles, they failed, despite using Jesus’ (and Paul’s) name, because they were not genuine believers.
- The power of the Word. God’s Word, the Gospel, “continued to increase and prevail mightily.” There were many people in Ephesus who practiced magic arts, or sorcery, evident from the huge amount of money that the magic books were worth. Because of the power of the Word of God that prevailed in their hearts, the people who repented willingly parted with their former lives, even though there was huge financial loss.
Praying the Scripture
- Many people complain that “God did not answer my prayer”. By that, they actually mean that God did not give them what they want. God always answers prayers, and in summary, it is either “Yes”, “No”, or “Wait”. Paul was forbidden to go to Asia earlier, but was directed there later to preach. God did not change His mind – it was a matter of timing. Pray that as we patiently wait upon God to direct us, we will be faithful to obey His clear command to proclaim the Gospel.
- The episode of the Sons of Sceva shows that “in Jesus’ name” is not a magical formula that will result in miracles. Pray that we will be genuine followers of Christ, who obey His Word, rather than false believers who use His name in vain.
- Pray that we are willing to give up our sins, even if it means financial loss, for the sake of the Gospel.
- 神之道的传扬。保罗在以弗所传扬福音;不久,福音便传遍了亚细亚(现代土耳其)。还记得圣灵在使徒行传17:6禁止保罗到亚细亚,反倒指引他到马其顿去。这是时间前后的问题;圣灵并非禁止保罗向亚细亚传福音。
- 神之道的鉴定。神借着保罗所行的神迹奇事鉴定了他所传的信息及所行的事工。当士基瓦的儿子尝试复制这些神迹时,即便利用了耶稣(与保罗)之名,他们仍失败了,因为他们并非真实的信徒。
- 神之道的大能。神之道,即福音,继续“大大兴旺,而且得胜”。以弗所有许多人是行魔术,即邪术的;所焚烧之书的书价便证明了这一点。因着神之道在他们的心里动工,凡悔改的人都愿意与以往的生命告别,即便他们会受到不少财物上的损失。
- 不少人埋怨“神没应允我的祷告”。他们实际上是在表示神并没有给予他们的心中所欲。神必回应祷告。简便地说,回应有三种:好、不好或等等。保罗早前被禁止到亚细亚去,但后来还是被指引到那里传道。祈求当我们耐心等待神的指引时,我们能忠心顺服神明确的吩咐:去传福音。
- 士基瓦儿子的事件显示,“奉耶稣的名”并非是行神迹的魔法公式。祈求我们能作基督的真实门徒,顺服主言,而不是做枉用主名的假信徒。
- 即便要受到经济上的损失,祈求我们也能为福音的缘故弃绝罪愆。