29 Jul 2016, Mark 7:24-37 马可福音 7:24-37, Ministry to the Gentiles 向外邦人的事工

Scripture Reading        : Mark 7:24-37

Theme                            : Ministry to the Gentiles


Mark included these two healing events after Jesus denounced the Pharisees’ oral tradition for the specific purpose of showing Jesus’ consistency in teaching and behavior.

  1. Association with the Gentiles. The Pharisees were very concerned about ritual cleanliness and would not associate with Gentiles for fear of being defiled, since Gentiles did not observe any of the Jewish dietary laws. After Jesus rebuked the Pharisees, He went into Gentile territory (Tyre and Sidon) and healed a Gentile woman’s daughter. He continued to another Gentile city (in the region of the Decapolis) and healed a deaf man. Through this, Jesus showed His willingness to associate with Gentiles, further showing by action of God’s disapproval of Jewish oral tradition.
  1. Mission to the Gentiles. When Jesus answered, “Let the children be fed first,” (v.27) it meant that the Gospel would be first proclaimed to Israel, but it is in God’s plan that salvation is not limited to Israel, and will eventually come to the Gentiles. However, at this time, it was not Jesus’ intention to have a public ministry to the Gentiles.
  1. Humility of the Gentiles. The Gentile woman humbly accepted the figurative description of “dogs”. According to the Old Testament, dogs are unclean animals; Jews regarded Gentiles as unclean and would thus describe them as “dogs”. Jesus did not mean to insult the woman; it is likely that He was testing her faith and humility. In fact, this is the only time when Jesus is addressed as “Lord” in the whole Gospel of Mark. We can also see the humility of the people in Decapolis, for they came to Jesus and “begged Him to lay His hand” (Mark 7:32) on the deaf man.


Praying the Scripture

  1. Mark 10:45 – For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. Let us thank God that He is willing to associate with sinners.
  1. We too are Gentiles (as long as we are not Jews/Israelites). Had God not have mercy on Gentiles, we would never have heard the Gospel and have opportunity to be saved. Let us thank God that He did not limit His grace to the Jews only, but also to us who are Gentiles.
  1. When we come before God, we are but wretched sinners. Let us pray that we will be humble like the Gentile woman, and accept our lowliness before God. Let us truly acknowledge Jesus as our “Lord”.





  1. 与外邦人的交往。法利赛人十分在乎礼仪上的洁净,所以不会与外邦人交往,免得被玷污,因为外邦人从不遵守犹太人的饮食律法。耶稣指责法利赛人后便到属外邦人之地(推罗和西顿),医治了一位外邦妇女的女儿。祂继而往另一个外邦城市(低加波利境内),并医治一位聋人。耶稣藉此显明祂愿意与外邦人相交,以行动进一步显示神对犹太饮食习俗的不满。
  1. 对外邦人的使命。当耶稣回答说:“让儿女们先吃饱”(27节),那表示福音会先被传到以色列,但在神的计划中,救恩并不只是限于以色列,而最终也会传到外邦人去。可是,在这时候,耶稣并没打算对外邦人有公开的事奉。
  1. 外邦人的谦卑。那位犹太妇女谦卑地接受了自己作“狗”的比喻。狗在旧约中属不洁净的动物;犹太人视外邦人为不洁净,因此也用“狗”形容他们。耶稣不是要侮辱那妇女;祂很有可能是在考验她的信心和谦逊。实际上,这是整本马可福音中耶稣被称是“主”的唯一一次。我们也可看到低加波利人的谦卑,因为他们来见耶稣时,为一个聋人“求他按手在他身上”(32节)。


  1. 马可福音10:45——因为人子来并不是要受人的服侍,乃是要服侍人,并且要舍命做多人的赎价。让我们为神愿意与罪人交往而感谢祂。
  1. 我们也是外邦人(只要我们不是犹太人或以色列人)。若不是神向外邦人施展怜悯,我们也不可能领受福音,拥有得救的机会。让我们感谢神不将恩典限于犹太人,也向我们外邦人降下此恩。
  1. 当我们来到神面前时,我们只不过是可恶的罪人。让我们祷告我们会像那位外邦妇女一样谦卑,承认自己在神面前的卑微。让我们真诚地称耶稣为我们的“主”。