29 Mar 2016, Jeremiah 32 耶利米书 32, Manifestation of Faith 信心的表现

Scripture Reading  : Jeremiah 32

Theme                      : Manifestation of Faith


Buying Property during Siege (1-15)

While Babylon was laying siege on Jerusalem, Jeremiah’s cousin took the opportunity to sell his property to Jeremiah while the Babylonians had temporarily withdrew from Jerusalem (37:5). According to Mosaic Law it is the duty of the owner to offer the property to kinsmen first (Leviticus 25:23–28). God commands Jeremiah to buy the property.

Jeremiah’s Perplexity (16-25).

Jeremiah is perplexity by God’s command to buy the property since the Babylonians will confiscate everything from the Jews. Jeremiah prays to God and his prayer is grounded in solid theology. It is fine to ask God for illumination, but it must be done within the boundary of truth. Jeremiah knows God is the creator of the university and there is nothing too hard for Him to accomplish. He also acknowledges God’s boundless grace and also His righteous judgement on evil. He knows God will continue to do amazing things in the future just like what He did during the first exodus. But still, he does not understand why God commanded him to buy a property during a siege.

God’s Answer (26-44).

God affirms those truths that Jeremiah acknowledges about Him. He wants Jeremiah to live out his faith in God’s promise to return the Jews from the Babylonian captivity and to permanently restore Israel in the end times. Jeremiah will take part in the permanent restoration of Israel when God resurrects him during the Messianic Kingdom. Also, the descendants of the Babylonian captivity will return and again settle in Israel. Jeremiah’s act of faith is to demonstrate his faith is real. His faith works and lives according to his faith.


Praying the Scripture

It is easy to say you believe in such and such facts about God and His promises; but it is a much harder thing to actually live out God’s truth in a consistent way. If we truly believe that Christ’s return is eminent, then without a doubt, all our lives would change in some way. Pray that your life will be consistent with your beliefs, especially in line with God’s character and the imminent coming of His Messianic Kingdom.










